Walking around the city

Looking for local guides that in the next Summer come to Sardinia for holiday


Hi @Lordskary good on you for starting to organise a meetup, you should also make a meetup entry here https://maps.google.com/localguides/meetup so that important details like location, time and date and a description of your proposed Meetup are known to everyone who might like to come along.

Have a read of How to Organise a Local Guides Meetup and HowTo: Leading a Photo/Food/Geo Walk

I hope your Meetup goes well.

Note Meetups are not for organising holidays or personal dates.

Regards Paul

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Hi @Lordskary ,

As @PaulPavlinovich mentioned, you are more than welcome to organize a meetup on our Meet-Up platform. Once your meet-up is approved, it will automatically appear as a post in the Meet-up section for Local Guides to participate.

Have a great day and good luck.