Visit to Sikhism Historical and Religious Place Gurudwara Tahliana Sahib

This Famous historical place is located in Raikot City. Tenth Guru of sikhs Guru Gobind Singh Ji came here in1705 from Machhiwara sahib via Alamgir Sahib.

When SHRI GURU GOBIND SINGH JI came to this place at that time, Paali Noora Maahi of Rai Kalle used to graze cattle. GURU SAHIB asked him to provide milk to which Noora requested that he had just milked the buffaloes. Then GURU SAHIB pointed towards one of the buffaloes & asked him to milk that buffalo to which Noora replied that he doesn’t have a utensil. GURU SAHIB then & there gave him Ganga Sagar around which there were 288 holes. Noora tied the buffalo to one Karaunda shrub & was astonished to see that when the buffalo gave milk, inspite of the 288 holes in the Ganga Sagar, the milk did not come out. On seeing this miracle, Noora was very happy & told the whole story to Rai Kalle following which all the people came to have glimpse of GURU SAHIB.

Sitting at this place GURU SAHIB asked Rai Kalle to provide some horse riders, so that he could send them to Sirhind to get news about Mata Gujri Ji & younger Sahibjada’s. Rai Kalle accepted the service at once & sent Noora to Sirhind to get news about Mata Gujri & younger Sahibzaada’s as Noora’s sister Nooran was married at Sirhind. Noora accepted the order & went to his sister in Sirhind. On hearing about Mata Gujri & Sahibzaada’s, he came back to Raikot & told the whole story to GURU SAHIB that younger Sahibzaada’s had been martyred by bricking them alive as the Sahibzaada’s didn’t accept Islam. On hearing the news, GURU SAHIB dug out the root of Kaahi’s plant with the help of his arrow & declared that Mughal rule roots have been dug. At that time, Rai Kalle requested that he is also a Turkish. GURU SAHIB was very pleased with Rai Kalle’s service so GURU SAHIB presented him a Sword (Khanda), Ganga Sagar (with 288 holes) & a Rehal & said that till the time you keep good care of these things, nothing would happen to your rule