Virtual tour disappearing


during last two weeks I’ve received calls from my clients, that virtual tour I made for them suddenly disappeared. These were published like 2 or 3 years back by the old Google publishing tool. There were no actions from client to delete the tour, their business listings were verified. It just simply disappeared. I advised to my clients to write on Google My Business support, they did and they received response from support that they don’t see any “delete action” from their side and cannot do anything.

Does anybody has the same experience? Does anybody know why that happened? Does anybody know how to fix this?

Please help, I’m afraid the number of cases like this can raise and as I’ve published hundereds of virtual tours for big clients this could be a huge problem.

Examples of missing virtual tours:

Thank you for any response

Hi @MichalSachr and welcome to Connect!

I’m sorry to hear about this.

The best way you can report your issue to the Street View Team is by filling this form.

Good luck and see you soon.

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