[Virtual] Remembering UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities #CommunityMeetupChallenge

[Virtual Online meet] Remembering UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities - contribute Accessibility to Google Maps

If you are new to contributing Accessibility information to Google Maps, most welcome to learn some basics of it. If you are an accessibility contributor already, do join to share your experiences. Meetup is max 1 hour.
RSVP/Register here in Facebook Events (optional): https://fb.me/e/T44DIlNA

3rd December 2020 is the annual United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities (A/RES/47/3). Today, we want to hold a special meet-up to remember people who are wheelchair bound, visually impaired and more. This meet-up to refresh ourselves on what we can contribute to Google Maps and more to help make the world a better place for them.

Date: 3rd Dec (Thursday)
Time: 9.00pm (GMT+8 Malaysia time) Check your local time zones
Duration: 1 hour max
Google Meet link: https://meet.google.com/xpn-bmqq-tqd
What to prepare: Just think of any past accessibility experiences to share if possible

00:00 Arrival and getting to know
10:00 Watching Sacha Blair’s accessibility video
15:00 Short basic presentation how to contribute to Accessibility in Google Maps
30:00 Members’ experience sharing
50:00 Wrap up and group photo
60:00 End

Starting time in different time zones (check other local time zones through Google Search)
6.00pm Pakistan
6.30pm India
7.00pm Bangladesh
7.30pm Myanmar
8.00pm Indonesia/Thailand/Vietnam
9.00pm Malaysia/Singapore/HK/Taiwan
10.00pm Japan Time

Please join on time
Please be on mute unless speaking to the group

*All photos in banner above self-taken
#CommunityMeetupChallenge accessibility #CommunityLive2020



Thanks for the information, I was not aware of this day will join virtually.


@RosyKohli I believe @Tejal also has a longer meetup around the same time but starts earlier.

Here is the link https://www.facebook.com/events/1158746664521344?acontext=%7B%22event_action_history%22%3A[%7B%22mechanism%22%3A%22surface%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22edit_dialog%22%7D]%2C%22ref_notif_type%22%3A%22page_user_activity%22%7D


Hi @StephenAbraham

Though I am not new to contributing Accessibility information to Google Maps, this looks like an interesting meetup and will try to join.

I have done the RSVP on FB.

Thanks for hosting this meetup :+1:

1 Like


Thank you for mention my meet up yes it will start at 5 pm on 3rd December. But little different concept. I will share few places with help of google maps to specially abled children and fun game’s.

Do join with us

Regards Tejal