Virtual meet-ups round-up: August 7 to August 15, 2020

Since the introduction of the virtual meet-ups, Local Guides have been hosting more and more of them to connect with each other. Now that Google Meet is free for everyone, you can host meet-ups with even more participants.

This week, we rounded up some of the best upcoming virtual events to celebrate the great meet-up ideas and initiatives Local Guides are hosting around the world. If you’re interested in attending one of the meet-ups, you can RSVP directly on the page, but please only do so if you’re attending.

Here are our picks for the week from August 7 through August 15, 2020.

August 7, “#StateChallenge California

Have you ever visited California? If you are interested in learning some facts and curious trivia about this state, @Kwiksatik and @Denise_Barlock ’s meet-up is right up your alley. @PaulPavlinovich is going to be their co-host for this fun challenge. To participate, make sure toRSVP here.

August 15, “Limpiémos Maps! Campaña #LGCTM

@SilvyC is joining theLocal Guides Clean The Map (#LGCTM)campaign by @JanVanHaver . She invites Spanish-speaking Local Guides to a virtual meet-up, which focuses on cleaning Google Maps from irrelevant photos and duplicate locations and updating the existing information. If you want to take part, don’t forget toRSVP here.

August 15, “Encontro Mensal Agosto (V)

Are you looking to meet and bond with other Local Guides who speak Portuguese? Then feel free to join @AlexandreCampbell and his co-hosts, @RogerOhayashi and @SarahKa , for a meet-up, which aims to strengthen the Portuguese-speaking Local Guides community. To attend, please make sure toRSVP here first.

August 15, “[VIRTUAL] Malang Local Guides: Spam Free

If you are someone who enjoys reporting spam content for removal from Google Maps, then @iorikun301 ’s meet-up is perfect for you. During this all-day event, Local Guides will learn how to report incorrect or old information and spam contributions. To sign up, all you need to do is to RSVP here.

Interested in being featured? Check out this Help Desk article for more information. No need to tag a Google Moderator; we review all meet-ups submitted as well as conversations on Connect regularly.

Didn’t find what you’re looking for? Feel free to check out all the interesting upcoming meet-ups here.


@KlaudiyaG thank you for your details of meetups. I am little curious to know how eaxactly your serach engine works and select these meetups. What are the basic criterias of meetups to qualify your board? I really find some useful meetup links from your weekly round up posts…those are helpful too.


Another great week of fun @KlaudiyaG I’m almost tempted to do some more :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @TPattanaik ,

That’s a good question. The last few months we’ve been focusing on virtual meet-ups, as we would like to do our best in order to help the community to stay health and safe during these times. So you can say that this is one of our basic criteria. I don’t know if you had the chance to check one of my previous posts called- Tips to get your virtual meet-up featured on Connect, but in there I’ve shared a few guidelines for Local Guides who wish their meet-ups to be featured here. Feel free to check it out.


That’s great news, @PaulPavlinovich ! I’m sure that loads of people will be happy to hear that. :slightly_smiling_face:


Gracias @KlaudiyaG por la mención. Estoy preparando mí Meet-Up, será mí primer Meet-Up Virtual sobre edición de Maps. Por suerte hay muy buenos post de la campaña de @JanVanHaver con muchos tips y consejos.


Silvy :argentina:

Pebble Beach, California


Thanks for the feature @KlaudiyaG ! I expect we are going to have loads of fun with the personality and experience @PaulPavlinovich brings to the meet-up!


Me? Personality and experience @Kwiksatik ?


It’s always a pleasure, @SilvyC ! :slightly_smiling_face: There’s always a first time for everything, so good luck and know that I have my fingers crossed for you.


I don’t have any doubts about that, @Kwiksatik and you are very welcome for the feature. :slightly_smiling_face: I’m always happy to spread the word.


Muito obrigado por destacar o meet-up dos #LocalGuidesBrasil, @KlaudiyaG . @SarahKa , @RogerOhayashi , eu estamos esperando todos os falantes de português. Um abraço.


As always, @AlexandreCampbell , the pleasure is entirely mine. Good luck with the meet-up and I can’t wait to check the recap. :slightly_smiling_face:

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