Virtual Lonely Spring 2020

Physical distance isn’t hampering our togetherness online. With long time friends on the web we are hosting "Lonely Spring 2020"photo contest and celebrating Earth Day today. Our shared photo album is “walking” mountains, rivers, beautiful flowers across continents from many countries. We have participants from the USA, Australia, Germany, France and Bulgaria so far. It’s stunning to observe similarities in our surroundings and we even discover more Nature locations while staying at home. The contest is open until the 4th May 2020. Limited to 5 photos per contributor. Our finalists get featured through a dedicated movie we are uploading to “OnEBoard” YouTube channel, official Host of the initiative.Lonely Spring 2020

We believe that such small gestures in support of online togetherness and collaboration are helpful to our Community of local guides who are addicted discoverers and love staying connected online.


Thank you for ignoring this post and obviously missing the point. Quite demotivating to publish in Local guides forum. Now I know why all Google Local Guides are giving traffic and data to Facebook?!!!