[Virtual] India, February 16, Importance of Co-Host in the Meet-up - Part 1

Welcome friends to Episode-3 of the Ghumakkad Gossip meet-up series.

It is going to be an experiential meet-up where the invited Guest Speaker will talk about the selected topic. Attendees are requested to share their thoughts (if any) in advance in the comment section so that the speaker will address those points during the meet-up. This way the flow of the meet-up will be maintained.

We have kicked off this series of meet-ups first with the most talked about topic Supporting Small Businesses. The Responses and Reactions of the GG kick off meet-up was quite positive.

This episode is dedicated to Importance of Co-Host in the meet-up. This topic shall be covered in two parts. And to discuss this important topic, with vast experience, the seasoned Local Guide, the Meet-up champion, TravellerG himself will be available. So, please get ready for the session and share your queries (if any) in advance so that we will have the structured discussion with him around your queries.


  1. Quick Introduction of the Attendees (5 min)
  2. Overview of the Meet-up (5 min)
  3. Introduction of Guest Speaker (5 min)
  4. Gossip with Guest Speaker on the topic (30 min)
  5. Attendees to seek more clarity (10 min)
  6. Debriefing & Wrap up (5 min)

Date, Time and Venue:


1. India Local Guides Ghumakkad Gossip Logo and the Banner of this Meet-up are designed by @Kumaarsantosh
2. Ghumakkad is a Hindi word which in English means ‘Wanderer’ and Ghumakkad Gossip means ‘Talk with Wanderer’
3. You may talk in Hindi, if you are comfortable.
4. Please go through All About GHUMAKKAD GOSSIP for more details about Ghumakkad Gossip Meet-up series.

Warmly waiting to meet you virtually.:hugs:


Hello dear friend, @Kumaarsantosh
Thank you very much for inviting me to present this important topic - I assure you that I shall try my best to keep the session interesting and informative.
I personally appreciate your GG Series and wish you all the success.
With prayers and regards,


Excited for the virtual meet-up :hugs: @Kumaarsantosh sir and @TravellerG sir :pray:


A big thank you to @Kumaarsantosh for organizing this insightful meet-up, and I also express my gratitude to @TravellerG for graciously agreeing to share his valuable expertise with us. I look forward to a fruitful and engaging discussion! :+1:


Thank you so much dear friend @TravellerG for gracefully accepting the invite. Your wisdom of knowledge is blessings for the participants.

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We too are excited to meet all of you @Gouri_S_Prakash.


I get fueled from energy and excitement I get from you all. Thank you @MathanVibranarayan for your kind words.
Let’s have this session also interesting and meaningful together.

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Another excellent topic for the Ghummakkad Gossip series @Kumaarsantosh
@TravellerG has been long advocating for this idea of a co-host.
I request TravellerG to join hands to host a meetup in Pune with him as a remote co-host.
Let’s try this out :handshake: preferably before 16th February - or immediately after it.


Thank you @TusharSuradkar.


Hi @Kumaarsantosh , This is a wonderful initiative to learn from the Meet-up Champion @TravellerG, an advocate for co-host partnerships. I had the opportunity to work as a co-host with him.


You are bang on dear @PrasadVR. Thank you for sharing your positive outlook on the subject.


Hello dear @PrasadVR,
Thank you very much for your complementary remarks…
Hope, along with our dear @Kumaarsantosh, I shall try my best to share my experience…
Regards with greetings


You are most welcome…
Best wishes