Views on Map

What a lovely day, sharing my views & achievements for the first time after seeing a number of posts from my fellow Google Local Guide. Extremely happy to share it with you all! Looking forward to seeing much more achievements like this.


Hi @manishajain21 ,

That’s a great achievement!

However, please have in mind that we consider your email address personal information and sharing such here is against our policies, as the forum is public. This is why I removed the screenshot, but feel free to add another one, hiding any kind of sensitive data. You can do it by editing your post from the three dots. Our rules are available here. I will also remove the Italian tag, as the publication is written in English. If you want to read more about Connect’s languages, feel free to do so in this discussion.

Congratulations on posting your first article @manishajain21 and a warm welcome to the wonderful world of LG Connect :pray:
I would suggest also sharing a picture about what you would like to express - that would look awesome.

Thank you so much,Bobiisha for the appreciation and for sharing the information. Will definitely keep in mind and follow the guidelines. :blush:

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Thank you so much, @TusharSuradkar . For sure, will share something super soon! Once, I will be done with exploring things and features here. :smile:

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Hello, @manishajain21

Welcome to connect, and congratulations on your first post here.
Also, congratulations on your accomplishments.

Nevertheless, can you highlight some of the salient aspects of your journey to level seven?

More importantly, can you tell something about you?
You can include that in this ongoing post, by clicking on the Comment button.

Also, when you reply, please use the tagging tool @and include the name of the person to whom you wish to respond.