Views are different with most viewed and newest

My views are counted differently for some reason, one for newest and other for most viewed. For newest it only counts my photos from a recent 2 or so weeks and nothing else and for most viewed all of my other photos. I will attach screenshots. The 90k views are just from newest and the 50k is from most viewed. I am confused.


Hi @user_not_found

That’s a strange phenomenon!

Out of curiosity, I searched for the POI “Chase Cricket Ltd”.
I guess there is only one outlet with that name.
There are only 12 reviews for that place.
However, I could not see any review in your name. Did you post only a photo for that spot?

Further, I suggest you revisit your public profile & verify whether any of your contributions has become private.
Private contributions do not count in views or likes.

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Thanks so much, I remember I used to be able to see my reviews and I can’t find some of the reviews and photos online. How do you make or check if they are public or private?
