Viewer count not updating


anyone know why the viewer count is not updating?


my viewer count has not been updating for a while. Anyone know how to resolve this issue?


I know, @RustyTraveller

All you need to do is wait. There is nothing you can do to make it happen sooner.

The total photo views are updated only once or twice per week.

Learn more here:



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Hi @RustyTraveller

“Welcome to Connect! If this is your first visit, you’ve come to the right place. This post will serve as a guide for everything you need to know about contributing content and engaging with the Local Guides community on Connect” . This is the first of the information that you will find in “Your guide to Connect” , the introductory Guide of the community. In there you will find all the necessary information to know how to better contribute in here.

This is somet6hing that time by time may happen, due to a choice on the use of resources, and it is happening to everyone. We just have to wait, as that counter is not updated in real time, and sometimes it may be on hold for days.

For more details you can read: Typical Delays in Contribution Stats

Do you have a doubt about how to do something? The Help desk is here for you,with a long list of post with detailed indications on how to post.

Which kind of contents we share in the community? What are Connect topics? will give you an explanation

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Olá, @RustyTraveller

Eu “invejo” quem consegue visualizar essa tela, pois em meus dispositivos, qualquer que sejam, há muito tempo, a única coisa que vejo nessa tela inicial é um “quadro branco” sem nenhuma informação.


Gil :slightly_smiling_face:

This happened to my account few months ago.



Just wait it will fix itself soon.

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Oi, @waza28

Obrigado pela informação! :blush:

É o que tenho feito, aguardado. Por mais de seis meses…


Gil :blush:

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