Video score remain blocked

The video score is not updated and remains blocked. Can anyone solve my problem??:


It remain blocked at 49/100 and 24/25.

@Michele_Paoletti Thank you for posting here. What do you mean by 'It remain blocked '? Are you trying to say that it is not updating even if you have contributed more videos? If this is the problem then know that it take some time to sync everything across badges and devices. So I’d suggest that you be patient and wait for it to update.

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@SaifIS Yes, i mean that points are not updated. This happen only for video and not for photos. I waited some time but the score does not advance I think there may be a system problem. I invite the team of Googler to check it.

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@Michele_Paoletti Maybe a system problem. How much it has been since it is not updating?

I can’t say with precision but I think a couple of months.

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@Michele_Paoletti Then there might be some problem. To get a satisfactory answer or bring it to their attention. I’d suggest you tag a Google moderator, here.

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