Verified Local Guide

In my Google Maps Phone App I went to view my profile (Level 6) and the app is suggesting other Local Guides to follow. I clicked on the suggestions and noticed there are local guides (lower level than me) with very few contributions but have a blue check on their avatar and have a “Verified” label. What are the requirements to get verified?

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Hello @ManashDB

Regarding those verified profiles with blue ticks on them. It doesn’t have anything to do with your level or participation on the local guides program. They are private accounts selected by Google itself.

These certified profiles are partners of Google that usually provide services like lists on Google Maps. Normally they aren’t Local Guides like me.and you. They are just service providers to Google.

As a result its not something or a status a local guide can achieve. Hope that answers your question. That’s all I can say regarding that anyway.

May I then write to give you a warm and friendly Welcome to local guides connect forum. Aside the Welcome note, this post will also help you get familiar with the ropes on connect. On this forum we discuss topics like Travel, Photography, Food and Drinks, and many other topics. We also organise Meet-ups with other fellow local guides nearest to us in our geographical regions. Meet-up could be physical or virtual.

Here is Welcome-to-Connect-Card- for-Newbies. Its a quick way of introducing or showing you around connect. Hope you find it useful. See you around on the platform.

Happy guiding

Happy guiding

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