
Hi all hope you have had a reasonable year taking circumstances into account and I hope you all have a wonderful 2021.

I would like to share some images I have taken over the last two nights of Venus from my bedroom window, I took them with my Olympus em 1 mark 111 with my 300 mm pro lens and 2x convertor. hope you enjoy as much as myself. If anyone could tell me how to upload a video that would be fantastic many thanks. NeiNeil


Hi @Hgog

Let’s 2021 much much better together ,aminn .

Thank you so much for effort taking closer Venus for all of us , open your bedroom windows and stay awake .

I do same like you but unfortunately I see dark night outside ,so better looking your post right ahaha .,

Again thank you much

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Well done on your snap @Hgog . Venus looks like a soccer ball!


Good shot at 300mm

Unfortunately, I waited with my 3000 mm camera & due to clouds, I could not shoot.

Your question:

“…how to upload a video…”

  1. Upload your video to YouTube (this is the only way) & make your video PUBLIC

  2. Copy the Public LINK (URL)

  3. Then, while writing the POST, next to the ‘camera Icon’ (where you insert Photos), you get the ‘Video Camera Icon’

  4. Open it & paste the YouTube video LINK there (You may Preview if needed)

  5. Close the window…

Your video is ready…

Hope this will help you…

Need any assistance? kindly contact me.

Thank you @AdamGT

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Thank you thats very helpful. Neil