Variation the use of International Symbol of Access

Do you familiar with the accessibility symbol?


Accessibility symbol designed as a white outline of a wheelchair user within a blue square :wheelchair: . This symbol is well-known as the International Symbol of Access (ISA). It was designed by Susanne Koefoed in 1968 at the
request of Rehabilitation International (RI) Global International Commission on Technology and Accessibility (ICTA) and was formally adopted during the World Congress of RI in 1969. The objective is to establish an international symbol to designate facilities made accessible and could be used consistently across the world. By then, ISA is the widest symbol recognized representation of disability for a few decades.

Some purposes of ISA included the marking of public facilities for people with disabilities: including toilets designed specifically for wheelchair users, a parking space reserved for vehicles used by people with disabilities, and indicating a priority lane/space for people with disabilities.

The symbol that well-recognized worldwide is the white wheelchair in the blue color background and another common symbol is a black wheelchair with a white ground.

ISA white-blue designed is the common accessibility symbol that I found in public facilities within Jakarta and Tangerang where I lived. Most of the symbol is follow the guidance on the shape and composition although color Pantone is a variety. Below some photos that I’ve taken from the last 7 months.

Other than white-blue designed, I found many designed with a variety of colors as pictures below. It was taken from many places both outdoor and indoor at supermarkets, restaurants, hospitals, mosque, office building etc. At the lift, rest room, parking lot, inside the lift, inside building, inside MRT and Bus.

One unique public facility that has disability features is a mosque named El Syifa which located at South Jakarta, it has the parking lot, dedicated ablution area, access from ablution area with ramp hand handrail which friendly for :wheelchair: user.

It was a unique experience hunting some places that have disability features, reviewing and sharing it ‌‌ on google maps and I’m really excited!! Learning about the various ISA symbol used in public facilities around Jakarta & Tangerang where I lived, it might not follow the guidance but at least they started :nerd_face: .

How about you my fellow local guides? Do you found various usage ISA symbol in your area? What is your story, could please share with us?

*International Day of Persons with Disabilities (December 3) is an international observance promoted by the United Nations since 1992.




Wonderful post and very useful information @doc_dells .

Whenever I visit any place, I always try to capture the symbols at the place by my camera. Because these symbols are guarantee that these places are Accessibility friendly, and when it will be visible on POI’s google maps profile (which will be added by you, me and thousands of enthusiastic local guides) it will be surely helpful for the people who are differently-abled and they are planning to visit one of these places.

Again Thank you so much for sharing.


Hi @KashifMisidia one of the person who inspired me about accessibility :sunglasses: .

Thank you so much for sharing your story. Indeed our little action surely helpful for people differently-abled (not disable person, I like this terminology :nerd_face: )


You welcome @doc_dells , and your words are a big honour for me, in fact not only for me, but for my meet-up partner and very inspiring personality @JaneBurunina , because we always plan every event together, after a lot of discussions :blush:


Amazing detailed post @doc_dells with a lot of interesting information and photos!

I’d like to share my post Accessible public transportation in Tallinn which is related this important topic.

Many public transport vehicles in Tallinn, Estonia. are equipped for the needs of different-abled people. There are handrails, a special seats with seat belts and a buttons to warn the driver. The stickers of the International Symbol of Access on the doors of an equipped vehicle indicate Accessibility :wheelchair:

I appreciate your kind words @KashifMisidia thanks for mention me that I didn’t miss this amazing post!




Wow @doc_dells

Sampai sedetil itu penjelasan tentang symbol aksesibiliti luar biasa , jadi menambah pengetahuan ku yang sangat awam .

Sering lihat tanda aksesibilitas itu hanya di kota besar ,Bogor , Tanggerang,Jakarta , di Sukabumi rasanya belum menemukan . sempat diskusi dengan teman teman lokal guides tapi rasanya ingin menemukan tanda aksesibilitas sangat langka ,

Sewaktu meet-up tempo lalu Mbak ada aturan pemerintah tentang aksesibilitas semoga cepat merata di seluruh Indonesia sampai ke pelosok


Thanks mentioned @JaneBurunina indeed she is another accessibilty influencer for me too @KashifMisidia

Two of you is a dymanic duo :smiling_face:


Hi Jane… @JaneBurunina thanks for sharing the usage of International Symbol of Access’s photos.

Also your posting about accessible public transportation in Tallin, Estonia is interesting. So happy can learning from other countries experience :nerd_face: .


Hello @Nyainurjanah thanks ya sudah mampir ke postingan saya.

Bermula dari penasaran dan keingintahuan tentang Accessibilty di Indonesia, saya membaca informasi dari berbagai sumber terkait dengan hal ini. Termasuk hunting public facilities yang memiliki fasilitas accessibilty :blush: lalu melakukan reviewnya di google maps. Benar sekali peraturan pemerintah terkait disabilitas sudah ada sejak lama, hanya saja dalam pelaksanaannya masih jauh dari sempurna.

Di tahun ini, salah satu Staf Khusus Presiden, Angkie Yudistia yang juga merupakan penyandang gangguan pendengaran sangat aktif melakukan sosialisasi terhadap Disabilitas di Indonesia.

Semoga postingan saya ini bermanfaat yaa.

Lets explore, lets guide, lets contribute.


Hi @EmekaUlor I remember couple weeks ago we have short discussion on my Instagram about the variety color and shape of ISA symbol. Perhaps you may find this more information in my country :blush: .


Wah postingan yang sangat menarik sekali Bu @doc_dells Semua simbol aksesibilitas terangkum dengan sangat jelas. Terima kasih telah berbagi. Semoga ke depannya implementasi aksesibilitas di Indonesia lebih baik lagi.


Hello @Lusianaa thank you sudah mampir di postingan saya. Senang sekali bila informasi ini bermanfaat.

Jangan lupa untuk terus kontribusi di google maps dan bisa memulai atau terus menambahkan informasi terkait accessibility pada saat kita melakukan review :blush: . Sehingga langkah kecil kita dapat memberikan manfaat untuk komunitas kita khususnya perihal Accessibility.

Keep guiding, keep contribute


@doc_dells in line with United Nations Disability Law and Accessibility provision there are standard features, colours and codes. This makes it easier for users to understand these signs no matter where they may find themselves.

The blue and white wheelchair is a standard. If you find it in another color it could be misleading.

In countries like U.S, U.K and Canada, Accessibility Consultants and Auditors must guide people before they make these signs, so they follow the standards. Other countries with less regulation usually allow people to do what they want. That is just the problem.

I suggest you read some of these building codes by ADA ( American Disabilities Act) for more insight.

For parking areas, the yellow lines are for traffic directions. The blue wheelchair sign could be mounted or painted on the floor but white or yellow lines indicate other signs like space or entrance.

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Nice and interesting collection @doc_dells

Here’s a collage from the 16 accessibility meetups that I conducted over the past few months in Delhi.


Hi @EmekaUlor thanks that’s a good insight. I agree with you that every country should follow the guidance for the uniformity. Looks the business owner do not aware with this regulations. Therefore this should be endorsed by the higher level which is the government.

Do you have any comment what we can do as a local guide in particular point?


@TusharSuradkar super! 16Accessibilty Meet Up :ok_hand:

Thanks for sharing, looks the usage of the symbol in your area is consistent :nerd_face:


@doc_dells as Local Guides and One Accessibility Team, we try to read more about the provisions. Then when we go out during meet-ups, I talk to shop or house owners on the right thing to do. For example, a big hotel in Abuja Nigeria had the wrong color at their parking lot. I had to speak to the Manager. They corrected it. So, when Local Guides organize meet-ups, try to talk to mangers or decision makers. Organize seminars. I have taken courses on Accessibility and Inclusive design to enable me advice clients. LGs can do the same.

Most importantly, understand the building codes in your country or city.

We are inviting an Accessibility expert for our WAW2020 Meet-up. You can ask him questions too.

Here are some resources in Accessibility Uncovered to help Local Guides prepare.


Hi @doc_dells

No, in fact, I shared the images to agree with you.

The symbols are in various colors - red, white, blue, green, and black.

In some places in the collage, a mirror image of the symbol is also used which certainly is a non-standard usage.

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Noted, thanks for sharing @EmekaUlor thats a bold action :ok_hand:t2: . I have never done before, talk with business owner, I think I should try it :blush: .

Ok, will take a look the WAW2020 Meet-up. Thanks again

Hi @TusharSuradkar thanks. As mentioned by @EmekaUlor we as local guides can do something about this. Added value to our society :blush: