Vancouver Bike Parking

Vancouver Bike Parking is my attempt at visiting and sharing as many parks as I can in Vancouver, BC, by bicycle.

When I first moved to Vancouver some years ago one thing that struck me about my new home were the number of parks. It may appear pedestrian to some people, but coming from some place where there wasn’t really that much green space, it made an impression on me. According to the city’s official map and guide, there are about 230 parks through out the city.

Another thing that runs through the city are the bike paths. Vancouver has steadily added bike infrastructure through the past few years. We have some separated bike paths, a lot of painted on bike paths, and a few bike parkades located at Skytrain (light rail) stations.

So then it occurred to me, why don’t I try visiting as many parks as I can by bicycle? We have parks, we have paths, I have a bike, I’m out of shape and can use exercise… why not? Clearly I will never win the Tour de France, but surely I can bike around the city?

I’ve now visited a few of the parks around the city on my bike and I hope to visit and share more of them in the next few months. Riding around the city on a bike lets me see, hear, and feel more of the city than if I were wrapped in 3,000 lbs of steel and plastic. I can say I’ve seen more of the city in the last little while than in the first 10 years I’ve lived in here. And it’s just plain fun.