In this picture, which is visible in the Gurudwara, Guru Gobind Singh Ji established the khalsa Panth at this place.So where Vaisakhi is celebrated with great pomp.Harvesting of crops also begins in Punjab on this day.Where the people start harvesting crops with the blessings of God.On this day , the folk dance of Bhangra is also performed.
Hi @Ajaypalsagar Nice to see here with your valuable festival. Wish you all the best.
[Stay Home, Keep Clean, Stay Healthy and Always Be Happy With Your Friends and Family]
Best Regards.
Hello @Ajaypalsagar ,
Thanks for sharing your photo along with the details around Vaisakhi Festival. What are the traditions for this holiday? Do you cook any meals on this day? Are there any other traditions that you tend to keep in your area?
If you could share some of your experience, that would be great. This way other Local Guides can learn more things about you.
@OmarBD Thank you very much.
@MoniDi You appreciated this post ,thank you.In this post i have only told about the birth place of Khalsa Panth. Can i put a different post for what you suggested.Thanks