Vaisakhi 2019 in Novellara, Italy - 13\04\2019

Hello everybody!

I want to talk to you about Vaisakhi (this year was April 13th), a traditional celebration of Sikh Indians that I strongly recommend you to attend.

Novellara, a town in the Emilia-Romagna region, is home to an important Sikh temple that has been home to the Vaisakhi for several years, an event that takes its name from the month of Vaisakh.

The Vaisakhi marks the beginning of the harvest as well as the new solar year.

On that day the Sikhs recall the baptism of the Panj Piaris (the five devotees) at the hands of the tenth and last guru Gobind Singh.

In Novellara every year the Sikhs of the area meet forming a suggestive and participated procession through the streets of the town, until the final thanksgiving banquet to which all are invited.

Information source:

Here I put some photos taken during the procession.