Vaccinated friends?

Hello folks,

With covid affecting our lives the last almost 2 yrs to the date now, and making it tougher to socialize on so many levels, and while trying to return to any sense of normalcy, I have had interest in getting together with folks, who are vaccinated.

I work in the medical field ( so I’m also boosted as well, ) and I personally handle covid-19 specimens, so this is particularly important to me, as I have lost so many people ( friends, co-workers, and yes even patients, ) who weren’t vaccinated. I have been wearing my face mask indoors, and even use hand sanitizer quite frequently, as well.

Not sure of the metrics of how to do this–the vax card doesn’t have our SSN on it, so I have no issues showing it for proof, and I was thinking perhaps outdoor gatherings would be safest I suppose for now?, but am open to ideas, and if anyone wanted to have interest in doing something like this.

I work afternoons/graveyard shifts during the week, but usually have the weekends off, and I get generous PTO throughout the year.

I live in the Vancouver area, but would be willing to travel around the Portland metro area to meet up with folks.