Hi friends, a vacation does not need to spend too much money, no need to be complicated, just enjoy the night in a historical place but not ancient, not left behind by people of the era, and can still be said to be a tourist era. we can also while relaxing enjoying street music, entertainment that does not need to spend money but helps us relieve stress, the place is still in the capital city, the name is the old city. historical places that feed
Hello @Ripal_mf looking so fun reading your easy vacation in Old Jakarta in Indonesia . This historical place always open 24 hours and no tickets for entrance ?
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Hai @Ripal_mf .
Thank you for sharing with us about Kota Tua.
I think this is tourist object that so strategic, it souround with many museum, cafe and restaurant and there some tteatrical attractions, we can rent bicycle to walk arround this place.
Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy