Imagine that you are new in a city (it’s a new country for you too). You don’t speak very well the local language and you don’t know which school you can find what you need, even where you can study for free! I solved my problem just oppening our plataform and typing: “English School near me”.
I have been living in Boston area for some months and I have been studying in places without pay (some that is really good when I compare prices in Brazil for example)! When I started looking for English classes abroad, oh my godness, it’s so expensive!!!
So, I would like to share something that I believe that could help a lot of people who want to study English for free abroad:
I need to say, that in some places, you may only find conversations without grammar, (some that is good too because you can improve your vocabulary) but in some libraries, which you’ll see on the List, you could find a good content. My tip is: go to different places and find which one will be the best FOR YOU!
In my case, I tryed an Advanced class, but I did not liked it, because was just students talking, and I prefer Intermediate level, because they have more content, but this my option.
I’ve created a List on Google Maps, that you can find this places in Boston area, this is attached here, in this article.
Libraries (PURPLE and GREEN color on the list);
Central/Copley: They have many options for workshops, and this is also a good way to improve your English. Tip: Try to find on official website (the link is attached) some related to your professional area, can help your interest;
Colleges/ Faculties/ Universities: (BLUE color on the list);
Is very common to find volunteers in these places. You can find information on their websites (attached too);
Teaching House (ORANGE color on the list);
I also created a list with some places that they are inexpensive like ‘Teaching House’, that I could studied for 1 month for example, paying $40 (refundable according to some rules) and $20 for material. It was 5 days per week, 2 hours per day. Cool when you compare content versus price. But remember the name of the place, it’s a school for teachers, sometimes you will not be the main focus.
If this content is not enough for you, please, try to find places using ‘near by me’, you’ll surely discover other options. This tool, helps me a lot and I’m so proud to share my experienses and feel that I’m helping people, it’s invaluable!
If you do not live in Boston, it might be an idea for you. You can find information on related places in another city here in the USA, certainly (or in another country, why not?). In case you live in this area, I hope that you enjoy this wonderful city like me.
See you!