Using color to make your photos stand out

From using leading lines to taking great photos in low light, there’s tons of helpful photography tips you can discover right here on Connect to make your photos stand out on Google Maps.

Another way to improve your photos is to think about where color is in a scene before you even click the shutter. Planning a photo around color can help make your image more dynamic or emphasize a subject’s shape and texture.

When I first became interested in photography, I only wanted to photograph things in black and white. Now, I love color photography because it can make a scene pop!

Here are three tips for using color to make your photos stand out.

1. Use color to express emotion

Color can help tell a story. An image with overall warm tones can evoke a sense of positivity, energy, or excitement while a photo with overall cool tones can make you feel calm, peaceful, or sad.

For example, the ancient castle in the photo below was photographed in warm, sunny light. The bright blue cloudy sky and vibrant green trees makes this place feel much more inviting and less threatening than if it was photographed on a gray, gloomy day.

In the snow scene below, the cool, bluish-white hue created by the snow makes the scene feel peaceful and calm.

2. Capture complementary colors

Another color tip is to photograph complementary colors in a scene. Complementary colors are two colors that are opposite of each other on the color wheel. These are pairs of colors that when put together, they create a strong color contrast and are pleasing to look at. This creates visual balance and can make a photo more dynamic. The three traditional sets of complementary colors are red and green, yellow and purple, and orange and blue. You can see them positioned across from each other in the color wheel below.

For example, in the photo below, the pop of warm orange next to the bright blue of the restaurant makes the photo appear more visually balanced, even if there is more blue in the scene.

3. Focus on monochromatic color

If a scene only has varying tones of a single color hue, it can help make the texture, patterns, and shapes in a scene more noticeable and add interest to your photo. When you are photographing, look for an area at a location with monochromatic color that will make patterns and details stand out.

For example, in the photo below, the focus on the varying shades of green make the pattern and texture of the plant more apparent and interesting.

In the photo below, the reflection of the blue sky on the hotel’s windows creates a monochromatic look which highlights the pattern of the building’s architecture.

Try experimenting with one or more of these fun color techniques! See if you can add emotion, create a sense of balance, or showcase a subject’s texture and shape all through the use of color!

Do you have a photo that features one of these color tips? Share with us in the comments below!


Great post, very helpful tips @Christina-NYC

Thank you for sharing with us.


Ich sehe zwar nicht das Foto, da ich das Ansehen von Bildern hier unterbunden habe. Durch die Restriktion, dass das Bild nur eine geringe Grösse haben darf beim Upload ist die Qualität der Bilder hier schlecht und oft sind es nur Screenshots vom Mobile. 360 geht gar nicht hier.

Daniela Tocan veranstaltet ja an Karneval ein 5 Tages Meet Up in Köln und da ist auch ein Workshop dabei, wie man mit wenigen Vorlagen Farbe von Popig bis Trist in ein Foto bringt. Grade an grauen Tagen kann man durch Bearbeitung triste Bilder in knallige verwandeln.

Ja ich habe massenhaft dieser Bilder ich poste die aber nicht online. Auf Streetview und Maps habe ich ein paar Testbilder für meine statistische Auswertungen ob Google die weiter oben plaziert.


Gracias por los consejos @Christina-NYC .

Por favor chequea mis post así ves mis fotos y me puedes dar algún consejo para mejorar mis fotografías :slight_smile:

Gracias amiga :slight_smile:


Wow! I love to add extra color to my photography. Then it gets the dynamic view …

@Christina-NYC Thanks for these awesome techniques…

I also love this photo…


Hi @Christina-NYC

Thank you for useful post!

I like to take pictures so much, but I’m not a pro. I can only rely on my inner sense of color and composition.

I’d like to share my monochrome green picture with orange. I love green color! it’s color of life!

I also like bright colors!


Hey @Christina-NYC ,

Thank you for the great tips! I love colours and I tend to capture them in photos as well. I feel happy wherever I see bright colours and I smile instantly.

If I edit my photos, I want to make the colours more vivid and contrasting.

Here is a recent capture taken at Dubai Miracle Garden.


Thanks @Christina-NYC for this nice post. these tips will help with my photography.


very useful tips for high lighting the true colors thanks @Christina-NYC

this is great to improve photography on maps.


Thank you for such a wonderful post @Christina-NYC

Really helpful and explained in such a great way with representative pictures.


Hi @Christina-NYC ,

These tips are very useful! Thanks a lot for them!

I am trying always to use the tip with the complementary colours and to focus on monochromatic colour. I think these techniques are very useful because the photo looks like after editing but it’s not. Here is the example with the complementary colours:

And here I will share with you the example with the monochromatic colours:


Such a wonderful and colorful garden @MoniDi . It really showcases the colors and makes it more striking! Did you use a camera for this shot?

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Hey @DanniS ,

I am glad that you like my photo. This particular one was taken with a mobile camera but the weather was nice and the colours popped up.

Here is a photo taken with Nikon D3500 which shows the beauty of the garden its thousands of colours.


Huge difference. He was so close to me :slight_smile:


Hey @Digitalbear ,

I love pandas! They are really cute animals :slight_smile: I wish I could come there and hug them!

Thanks for sharing these lovely photos and for making me smile!

I also like how you used the colours to make the image stand out!


Thank you for your wonderful comment :slight_smile:

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Like a magnet, I am pulled to capture photos of locations and items with vibrant colors. Thanks for your beautiful post!

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Thanks for the tips @Christina-NYC :blush::blush::+1:

Thank you @Christina-NYC

I was qualified for official color coordination for photographic activities. You are exactly as you indicated! In other words, the local guide is the same as having learned formal color coordination by this article👩‍🏫.

@Christina-NYC Thanks for the story, it was interesting. My example is Bonaire, blue and orange.