Make time to take time and taking time to be there. Look around, Be a part!
We all know how precious time is. Making the best of our time includes being able to Take time to make time, make time to be there and this is so important in our business and social lives, in all areas of our life… Every second counts and making the best of every moment is vital to get the best from every minute of our busy lives.
For my birthday this year I went to see an Australian artist Glenn Shorrock originally from The Little River Band, he played a lot of great old songs. The reason I mention this is that it was these words in a song called Lady.that stood out most to me, words about time and making the best of I.T. Many thanks to YouTube, You can buy this song on Google Play Music too! (Support the artists, every business counts! )
Using the best time management is crucial in all areas of our lives as well as in our business here in Google Maps Local Guides Connect.
Looking into what you do, Think about these words: ( Care of A-Z Lyrics )
Little River Band Lyrics
Look around you, look up here
Take time to make time, make time to be there
Look around, be a part
Feel for the winter, but don’t have a cold heart
And I love you best
You’re not like the rest
You’re there when I need you
You’re there when I need
I’m gonna need you
A long time ago I had a lady to love
She made me think of things I never thought of
Now she’s gone and I’m on my own
A love song has come into my mind
A love song, it was there all the time
So, lady, let me take a look at you now
You’re there on the dance floor making me want you somehow
Oh, lady, I think it’s only fair I should say to you
Don’t be thinking that I don’t want you, 'cause maybe I do
Look around, come to me
I have no answers, but know where I wanna be
I look around, play a part
I was born in the winter and cooled by a warm heart
And I love you best
You’re not like the rest
You’re there when I need you
You’re there when I need
I’m gonna need you
So, lady, let me take a look at you now
You’re there on the dance floor making me want you somehow
Oh, lady, I think it’s only fair I should say to you
Don’t be thinking that I don’t want you, 'cause maybe I do
Don’t be thinking that I don’t want you, lady, I do
Every business we engage in our daily lives is a new business to introduce to Google Maps. Introduce every business through Google My Business, a free service that incorporates Google Maps and a Google+ Brand account as well. It is a small moment in time that can make a huge difference to the lives of all the people involved in that business and your community. It is so important to simply take time to make time to introduce yourself then explain what you are doing and how introducing the business your are engaging with to the amazing business ventures available to them with Google will make a massive difference to them.
Take a small moment to let them know that the new business brought to them in having a free Google My Business account and how being included in the Google Maps and as such by doing so also enables them to be part of Google Maps Local Guides Connect. Businesses can make an enormous difference to the amount of traffic they receive, including new and continuous clients for all types of businesses, by simply getting a great review from you, being in Google Maps via Google My Business free service.
So let them know that by your writing a great review that includes great photos for them in Google Maps even more new business is found by everyone looking for their type of business online. Plus the social media extensive expanded network marketing is available for them in the Google My Business Google+ Brand account, all easily established in next to no time at all.
Google+ is direct target marketing. Having a G+ Brand account free is expansive in association with all the communities being topic related to the type of business that is the specialty required. Then also G+ Collections are exactly the interactive networking desired in any business social media marketing,
They can create their own specialised G+ Communities. They can make them private exclusive for their customers or public and as such allowing new clients and continual business extensions. They can join many in their industry also and interact with others as well as moderate and run their own. I.T is all great business with G+ and like no other social media platform.
With making time to help businesses in your community by reviews, taking pictures, updating the already excellent Google Maps with all new shops, plus any street and traffic differences not yet noted by the continual photo specs from Google Earth, we can and are all making a difference. It is in this way our time is helping others, that helps create an exclusive improvement for all businesses we visit and review then share our reviews on Google Maps Local Guides Connect.
All work we share from Google Maps that then is connected and goes through Google Local Guides Connect then every post there is sharable to Google+. That is what you can make time to take time to let them know!
From there onto Blogger, plus YouTube Live Streaming and Hangouts makes huge differences in the businesses online reputations that leads to better search engine optimization (SEO). The more a business is seen online the more elaborate andt the interactive reputable connectivity is extended. So even just taking the time to start this chain of events with Google Maps reviews and pictures (Made even better with Google Photos connections via Google Maps) then sharing I.T on Google Maps Local Guides Connect and on via G+ and all mentioned here, you are helping your community.
We do not need to sell Google Products and services. Google Products and services sell themselves and the sales team at Google has got that well and truely covered. It is about letting the businesses know who you are and what you are doing as a matter of business eticate plus the fact that as a Google Maps Local Guide Connect member all that you do is involved in the free service of Google My Business and is extra excellence from Google available in what you are doing in Google Maps Local Guides Connect too. Enjoy!
Thank you all for taking the time to care and share!
Shine on!
Best wishes