Use Google Maps to Protect Nature

In summer, I usually take the opportunity to support Local Nature and Conservation activities. I usually try to document such a venture and therefore I need to build enough information which I can share with fellow volunteers and the web in general. Usually I end up creating a video to share on U tube. The following are two examples related to the Conservation of endangered Turtle in Malta:

However I have found that I can add photos to the location and in the same time raise awareness about the vulnerability of the species and the need to respect the location .

Do you have a similar experience? let me know.


It is great!

Thank you for sharing this post and nice video!

It is great idea thst there is Conservation programm to protect endangered Turtle in Malta.

Join. to project Local Guide “Clean the World”

@ErmesT what do you think about it!?

Best wishes ,



Thanks for sharing unique pictures of events. :v:

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Thanks a lot!

Hope to do more…regards

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Thanks Odoh…hope to do more!


Great but need to fine tune as much as possible, hence nature most time are government reserve Google may not really have much power beyond identification or as the case may be. So I thought