USA - trip 2008

In September 2008 me and my wife started an amazing round trip by car through some national parks.

After two nights in Las Vegas we went to Salt Lake City / Utah. Next morning we drove to Yellowstone NP and spent 2 nights there.

Then we went to Keystone (Mount Rushmore). Afterwards we saw Arches NP, Bryce Canyon NP, Grand Canyon north rim, Antelope Canyon, Mesa Verde NP, Zion NP, Grand Canyon south rim, Route 66 and Las Vegas again (20 days - 7.109 km).

Viva Las Vegas - see you in 2011 again!

After 3 great weeks we left USA for Germany.


:sunglasses: :ok_hand: :small_airplane: :desert_island:


Wow! Thank’s for sharing @user_not_found . What a nice trip.

Thanks for sharing @user_not_found ! I’ve always wanted to go to Yellowstone but never got a chance. Hopefully situation will get better sooner than later, but I guess for now I can live it through your photos :slightly_smiling_face: