Urban Heritage PhotoWalk

Urban Heritage PhotoWalk

Burnham Park

Jose Abad Santos Dr, Baguio, 2600 Benguet, Philippines

March 23, 2019 @ 08:00 (PST)

Baguio City is rich in History, having been established in 1909 as a Charter City several buildings were build during the occupation of the Americans and the Japanese. Today however, these structures are falling victims to rapid urbanization, it is our hope that with this walk, the younger generation will be able to appreciate the history and help in preserving the heritage sites of baguio.

RSVP here


Hi @VincePH ,

Thank you very much for organising this meet-up and I hope many young people will join you to visit and capture the historical heritage places in Baguio.

I hope the weather will be nice and you will have fun taking photos! Please don’r forget to share a recap after your meeting on the 23rd of March.

Hi @KatyaL

I will definitely document this with photos. Thank you so much! I hope the weather will be good too!

Stay tuned :slight_smile:

Since you happen to be on the right day @VincePH would you like me to add this to the list of 36 walks happening on March 23rd?

More info https://www.localguidesconnect.com/t5/General-Discussion/2019-Annual-36-Photowalk-Call-for-Leaders-Places/m-p/1263555#M274869

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Hi @PaulPavlinovich that would be great! Thank you so much

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Done :slight_smile:

Thanks @PaulPavlinovich @

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