The application for Community Live 2020 closed yesterday after waiting for the last time zone to conclude! So that means that I can start working on the form by validating the details given and then generating separate lists for the various session hosts to allocate their attendees! It’s not an easy process so bear with me.
For more info about Community Live 2020, check out original post here; essentially it is an unofficial Local Guides event organised by the Connect Moderators for the community.
Please note that I will be using this one post to keep you all updated rather than creating multiple posts so you should bookmark this post! New updates will be dated and appear at the top of the text below.
[ Written on 12th December ]
We’re here! We made it! It’s today!!!
[ Written on 7th December ]
Bad news and good news. Bad news: the technical problem remains unresolved and out of my hands! Good news: I am sending out the invites as emails instead using this address: communitylive at golocopodcast dot com. I will be sending them out in the next hour. It’s a lot of emails so I don’t know if I’ll encounter any new problems!! Eek!!
I’ve tested it… and it did go into my spam folder so please do check your spam/junk folder.
Will update again when all emails have been sent.
All the emails have been sent now! If you need to do a search in your spam/junk folder, search for “CONGRATULATIONS!! You are attending” or by the email address above!
[ Written on 6th December ]
A lot of things have happened in the past few days or so. Our initial plan was to keep the sessions small but then we decided to go big and to extend the invite to as many folks as we can allowing more of you to enjoy Community Live 2020! So we’ve spent a good amount of time revising the attendee’s list and that’s now all sorted. Yay!
But we then hit multiple technical hurdles: there’s apparently restrictions on how many Calendar events one could create in 24 hours, and likewise, there’s a limit on how many invites/emails that can get sent out! So after a failed test run, frantic searches online and finally a call to Google’s Tech Support, it’s now fixed but I’ve been told to wait 24 hrs before the restrictions can be lifted! That means you should start seeing invites by Monday morning!
Just a heads up that the invites will NOT contain the link to the Google Meet call and we will only update the invites closer to the date with the link. Please read the invites carefully as well and select ‘Yes’ to confirm your attendance. Apologies for the delay and thanks for your patience and understanding!
[ Written on 1st December ]
The next steps:
- Session hosts will generate a list of attendees from all those who have applied. The number of attendees may vary across sessions (this is up to the host to decide) and also breakout sessions should be smaller in size.
- Calendar invites will be sent out from this email address
LGCommunityLive at gmail dot com(see 7/12 update). It is a new account to protect our privacy. Apologies to Google Mods if this break the rules but we wanted folks to know that this account is not fake and they should look out for emails from it. - The calendar invites will contain further instructions: you will need to reply to us to confirm that you’ve received the invite, and that you’re still good to attend the session(s). There will be another dead line for this because if folks do not reply by the given date (yet to be decided), we will pick a replacement and send out a second round of invites.
- Finally, once all attendees are confirmed, we will send out an email to inform those that haven’t been selected that their application has not been successful.
Obviously, all of this is going to happen pretty quickly as we have oh so few days left!! And it’s quite a lot of emailing so bear with us!
[ End of updates ]
Thanks everyone for your patience and chat soon!