
After the unpacking of the city due to Karuna coming, some places and markets were closed now. Some seemed to open the store. Why don’t we return the previous contributions?


@user_not_found I’m not sure exactly what you mean, if a place is marked ‘temporarily closed’ and it is really open, you as a Local Guide have the power to reopen it.


Massage and shaving, and the cinema was closed

Hi @user_not_found ,

Thank you for sharing!

I’d like to inform you that you can reopen places, please follow the steps from the Suggest edits to or closure of a place article.

I’m moving your post to the How-tos section.

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I know a suggestion for everyone 11 malls were opened by me

Thank you

That is great @user_not_found make sure that you personally check that each of the places is indeed open before you edit it.


Thank you