Update street view & 360 pictures in the event of business moved to new location

Happy New year everyone,

One of my clients changed their location and update the inside street view pictures. How can we remove old street view & 360 pictures after new ones published?

Also Why some business show inside tab when go to photos via google map?

Thanks in Advance


Hi @ikang

Starting from the last question, it depends of the category of the place. E.g. Hotels show Exterior and Rooms, while restaurants and other “food related” places have to photos of Dishes, and places where the people meets have photos of Vibes.

Regarding the 360° photos, the uploader (or the owner) of the photos can remove them.

The ownership is visible, like for every other photo, on the top left corner, where name and avatar of the uploader are displayed.

The Street View photos, related to the Street Level, are changed automatically because not related to the Business Listing, but simply to the address.

In addition, I want to inform you that Street View is no longer supported in Local Guides Connect.

You should address your future query on the new Street View trusted Help Center, accessible to Trusted Photographers only

Should you be not able to access the new Street View trusted Help Center, please let us know, and we will tag a Google Moderator for granting the access to your profile.


Hi @ikang ,

Thanks for reaching out to us!

Since @ErmesT provided you with all the needed information on your query, I will accept his comment as a solution. More information on that matter is available in this article.

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Thank you @ErmesT for detail explanation.

To clarify, Business doesn’t select the tab available on the google maps photos section. It is selected based on the category of the place. Is there a list category list available somewhere to view?

To delete the old street view pictures, business needs to contact the owner or uploader of the photos. When new pictures will be uploaded, they can be linked to the business and shown in the street view & 360 tab.

Thank you for street view trusted help center page, I do have the access.



Thanks for asking @ikang

However, this is a Local Guide Community, your question about categories should be addressed to the Google My Business community, where they give support to businesses in Google Maps.

As for photos(flat and 360°), while I understand that the business may not want to lose reviews, the best option may be to close the business listing and open a new one, especially if the new èlace aspect is very different, as the old photos do not represent the business anymore. This can be done easily if the business is claimed on [Google My Business](http://As for photos, while I understand that the business may not want to lose reviews, the best option may be to close the business listing and open a new one)

Regarding Google Street View (that is different from a 360° photo linked to a business), the photo should automatically change reflecting the new address

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