Update Google Maps and GoogleOne

In the last weeks has been an update for Google photo / Google Drive/ Google One and GoogleMaps with quite big impacts on gamification.

I have reported this over several ways and like to give a summery, as I still have so much photos not uploaded. Maybe I only see something wrong or make mistakes. So help is very appreciated:

  1. On all my phones (iOS, Android, Pixel/Huawei) I have after several calibrations problems with GPS location on Google maps. Not so on other map Providers, so not mainly due to Germany.

  2. In Android where regular the GoogleMaps is a bit advanced developed, the map is no more appearing to Help finding the Location.

  3. Upload speed stops, while now always for restaurants and shops is the question about the Item.

  4. Uploaded pictures are now with once visual in Google photo App. There is always the other folder for Local Photos. It is Not clear devided and allways is a must to check. Otherwise it is Upload the Photo from Google Maps uploaded picture to Google Maps again. Due to missing chronologic Order as well Not easy to detect.

I’m the only one with this issue? The all over circumstances currently a bit disturbe me in contribution.

  1. Any Idea what settings I maybe could change? Would be very appreciate. Biggest change for me in the last years.

It’s been a while since I uploaded pics in any reasonable quantity, but I can’t remember coming across those issues. As for point 3: I can confirm that for each picture of a shop or restaurant I also systematically get asked which item or dish is shown in the picture.

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