As per Hindu Lunar Calendar, Among all the months, Kartika is the holiest one. Because as per Hindu mythology, Kartika is the favorite month of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu. This is most awaited month Orias, particularly for widows and women. They celebrate many religious events like Habisha, Baluka Puja, Kartika Purnima and Boita Bandana.
Kartika Purnima is also famous to everyone in the name of Guru Nanak’s Birthday. Last year in 2018 I had a plan to celebrate this ritual called Boita Bandana with the people of Orissa in Puri. 23rd November was the date for Kartika Purnima in 2018. So I reached at Puri a day before 23rd i.e. 22-11-2018, because the ritual generally starts after 12 am in the midnight and continues till the sunrise. I reached the beach at about 3.30 am in the midnight and I became the witness of the holy Boita Bandana festival.This day is celebrated as Deva Diwali, Diwali of Gods, when gods celebrate the victory of good over evil. This day is also associated 3 mythological events - 1. Birth of Matsa Avatar of Lord Vishnu, 2. Birth of Kartikey, Son of Lord Shiva and 3. Birth of Vrinda, the personified form of Tulsi Tree. In Oria Language Boita means boat. The history begins from the old days in Orissa, when the Oria sea traders used to sail off to distant islands for trades by boats.
Before starting the journey the women of the sea traders gave them a see off. Remembering this memory nowadays women and widows float small boats made out of trunk of banana tree, coloured paper, and cork. They decorate the boats with ghee lamps, betel leaves, camphor flowers and float them into the see with their holy prayers. This ritual is known as Boita Bandana in Orissa.Previously the women made these boats by their own but now the world has become faster and people don’t have enough time. Although these boats are now being sold in the sea beach of Puri. Therefore it has become time saving for the women. They just buy the boats and float them in the sea. You may watch this video for better view.
It was beautiful sight to watch. Thousands of devotees come to Puri sea beach every year in the midnight. They also celebrate Deva Diwali with crackers after floating the Boitas. But they don’t go home after that. They wait to enjoy the beautiful sunrise. Unfortunately due to clouds I couldn’t see the sunrise properly last year. But I would recommend all of you to come at least once to Puri in this time of Kartika Purnima. But make sure you reach one day prior.
You can checkout my video on this topic in Youtube. Here is the link for you: