Unplug and enjoy your time outside..

Would you like to disconnect, go outside and perhaps…hit a trail or a troll in a city?
If “yes”, follow me for a quick tour, more like a photo essay. I love photography.
I have always checked out Google map for more information on places I plan to visit, and I want to contribute back to this great system. By contributing a lot of photos on Google map, I learn that the audiences are most interested in information like parking, hidden turns, posted signs etc… Mapping with good information, to me, is the key to a successful plan for a trip, no surprised or unexpected things popping up. For an example, I will always check and download offline map before heading out to explore an area that is subject to unreliable cell signal.
Let’s go for a hike in Fountainhead Regional Park in Fairfax, VA.

How about a short walk through Cultural Trail in Hagerstown in Pennsylvania

I hope you enjoy and find this is beneficial.