Unimaginable, Unique Place in the Middle East

Can you imagine a place in the Middle East with green carpeted mountains and sandy beaches with coconut trees? Yes, it is real. This place is located in the Dhofar Governorate of Oman. It is popularly known as Salalah, the tourist hot spot of the Middle East. It has a mountain range on the northern side and lovely, sandy beaches on the southern front. The mountains spring to life during the monsoon season, which is locally known as “Khareef.” The mountains breathes life with lush green vegetation spotting a breathtaking view. Moreover, a lot of streams and waterfalls mushroom throughout the mountain range. Thousands of tourists all over the world, especially from the other regions of the Middle East flock Salalah during the Khareef Season. The rents of the hotels skyrocket during this time. It is the peak time for all the businesses in this region. Typically the Khareef season starts in July and ends in September. Some of the popular places to visit during this time are Zeek, Wadi Darbat, Ayn Gharziz, Ayn Razat,Ayn Hamran, Ayn Tubrook, Ayn Sahalnoot, and Dalkhut. The long drive to Dalkhut provides stunning views from the cliffs and the ride can be adventurous as you climb the steep, winding roads leading to the Yemen border. In addition, there are many beaches to be enjoyed such as Mirbat, Taqqah, Al Dahriz, Mugsail, and Fazayah beach. It even has UNESCO World Heritage Sites namely Al Balid Archeological Site and Sumhuram archaeological site. These site provides insight into the history of Salalah. Another major attraction in Salalah is the anti-gravity point, which is on the east side of Salalah. Here you can get an unique experience where your car glides up the slope in neutral gear. At any given time, we can see people trying this feat with amazement. All in all, it is a great place to enjoy. It is truly an unique jewel of the Middle East.


Wadi Darbat: https://goo.gl/maps/JSsaMpUPTkDK4jHw6

Ayn Gharziz: https://goo.gl/maps/7XFrbK6QsNqqmdbm6

Ayn Tubrook:https://goo.gl/maps/NwoHE7FeA7qhvaCo6

Ayn Hamran: https://goo.gl/maps/W3iQrqA4eTc8c7Uf7

Dahriz Beach: https://goo.gl/maps/dxRFGAQ5bn1nCEuA8

Mughsail Beach: https://goo.gl/maps/VCFm5afPYJuGE3LHA

Fazayah Beach: https://goo.gl/maps/y9oMQt9gF8VorMVg9

Dalkut: https://goo.gl/maps/p8hyNaJwtspqyfxa9

Al Balid site: https://goo.gl/maps/1myXnVBskAYV23NY6
