Understanding the nature of the Google review platform

I am very new to this side of Google reviews. So far I used to post reviews from my trip with intentions to help next traveller. However recently I have started noticing stats. I have 67L views including 65L for almost 800 photos I have posted. Wanted to know if this is good number or is it very genuine for all of us?!


Hey, @Sushrutsk !

67 Lakh views on your photos is a substantial number, and it’s undoubtedly a good indicator of your photos’ popularity. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the number of views doesn’t necessarily reflect the quality of your photos or the usefulness of your photos for other people.

In general, the number of views you receive on your photos/reviews is just one way to measure the reach and impact, and it’s best not to get too caught up in the numbers. Instead, focus on writing helpful and informative reviews and sharing photos that capture the spirit of your experience and give beneficial insights for other people.


I’ve found the amount of views that a photo can achieve is probably mostly down to Google’s internal algorithm, as it dictates which of your photos will be ‘featured’ for a local business. And since it’s unlikely that Google will share the makeup of their algorithm with us any time soon, we’ll all have to keep adding the most relevant and best photos we can!

It’s also likely that where you add photos to the map might have an effect on how many views an image is able to get, as there may simply be more people using Google Maps in big cities, (I’ve also found that pictures I’ve uploaded in the USA get lots more views than ones I have added to the map in Europe for instance).

I have found adding photos to a business page with no photos, or just an image grabbed from Google StreetView will nearly always result in the added photo, which would probably result in more photo views. But for me, reviews are more a happy coincidence, and keeping the map up to date is my main objective.


Hi @Sushrutsk

I love the quality and saturated colors in your photos. But please keep in mind that sticking your head into the frame and having recognizable faces in Google Maps shots is not allowed. The focus should always be on the places. So other photos of yours are taken from so far away that they don’t clearly show the places.

You can take a look at the leaderboards to learn who other local guides are doing. See this index. Maybe you want to join the leaderboards.

If you wish to learn tricks on how to get more views, I shared a tutorial on this. Check it out here.





I noticed that 5.2 million of your 6.5 million views are from a single image. This is quite unusual.



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Hi @Sushrutsk ,

I’m glad you have a lot of positive feedback on your reviews. In our case, we are volunteers, and it is significant that Google’s review platform feeds us back with good news. Greetings