I’m afraid yesterday’s update to Connect has made it impossible to copy-paste text with illustrations from Google Docs into the Connect editor. All my illustrations get lost. Last week it worked fine. I used copy-past to create this post with 72+ illustrations with no issues.
I tried first adding my draft as a reply. And then I tried adding it as a new post. Still, all gifs, jpgs, and pngs are lost completely. Normally it takes a minute or two for all illustrations to appear.
I hope this can be fixed. Let me know if you need a test document.
Update. I also tried from my Android phone. Same issue.
Thank you for flagging! I am able to replicate it and will check with the team. Meanwhile, please use the upload option within the text box.
Since what you shared is an issue it will be better for it to be posted outside this thread to a separate post to keep the discussion organized.
That said I am moving your comments to the How-tos section with the title “Unable to copy paste text with illustration from Google Docs”, feel free to edit the title as you see fit.
@ErmesT reported no problems when copy-pasting a Google Docs with a single illustration.
So I think the issue is isolated to copy-pasting manuscripts with several illustrations.
When I created this post I made it work by copy-pasting the manuscript in small chunks. This way I could avoid saving the illustrations as separate files first.
Yes my post only has one image, and I uploaded it without any issue. I have a long one under preparation with a lot of photos, that I will post in a few days. Let see