Last month a new cloth store opened in my Local area as I tried to add it to Google Maps so many times, I’m getting the “Not Applied” response although this is not the first time I’m getting this response earlier when I’ve tried to add some other places either I got “Not Applied” or ‘‘Pending’’, whereas I’ve added the images and exact location of the store.
Can anyone help me out why it is not being added. ?
Coordinates - Latitude and Longitude: 26.170972, 91.762345
@sabya Have you tried adding the location when you are present at that location? My suggestion for getting approved for edits are:
Always keep your GPS on and make sure it is accurate when you are adding a place to maps. When I am adding a location on the map I have found that when I am present in the location and GPS is accurate maps tend to approve it in most cases. Also always try to add at least one photo of the place when adding or editing, this will increase the chance of approval.
@sabya Strange! But you know, we have nothing to do if maps does not approve an edit. It happens to me regularly when I know the edit is legitimate. I hope the team will work on it.
I don’t think so its already been added to Google Map because the location you have tagged was another store of “Breya” in different place. FYI- there are three stores in the city out of which two are already been added.
You are not alone. I am also surprised to know that the missing places I am trying to add are getting nowhere on my account. I have added places in the past and those get approved after some time. But from the last 1-2 months, I am unable to add anymore missing place on the Maps which is quite frustrating for me. What is more surprising is… even though I get thank you message after I add a place on the android app, but after that, there is no sign of it. Not in the Edit’s section not even in the mails, nothing. I have reported my issue on this connect platform, on the Google Maps community and even wrote a mail to the Google Maps support but no fate. It’s really disappointing that no one from any of the mentioned communities has been able to solve this problem. I added almost 3-4 places in the last 1-2 months but there is no sign of them being in the pending state, disapproved or approved. This issue actually demotivates me to add value to Google maps. If it ain’t gonna show up then why would I add missing place?
am facing similar issue, except in my place, even the request for adding anew place is not going through. as the top right hand side arrow just stops working…
I’m also frustrated. I noticed you mentioned differences depending on which platform you use to create new places.
Resently I have had quite a bit of luck creating new places. I use my laptop. I always add one or more pictures.
But I wonder if one of the moderators could let us know if IOS, Android or PC are best if you want to increase you chances of getting a place creation accepted. @KlaudiyaG
It is still super unpredictable wether a new pin gets published or not. And it it very annoying to waste a lot of time on pins that for no obviously reason results in A Thank you rather than a Published email. This needs to be improved.