Ulični festival- Špancir fest Varaždin

Špancir fest je ulični festival koji se održava u Varaždinu od 1999. godine.

To je glazbeno-scenski festival koji se održava po ulicama i trgovima Varaždina.

Održavaju se koncerti, predstave, radionice, mnogo je uličnih zabavljača, performera…

Mnoštvo zabave, smijeha i dobrih emocija.

Atmosfera je sasvim opuštena i ljudi uživaju. Jedini je problem gužva, jer Varaždin za vrijeme Špancirfesta posjeti oko 150 000-200 000 ljudi.

Špancir fest traje 10 dana i održava se krajem mjeseca kolovoza.

Ima mnogo kućica i štandova i prodaje se svašta, ponuda je zaista velika i raznolika.

I gastronomska ponuda je vrhunska.

Prošle godine 2020. godine, po prvi puta Špancir fest se nije održao zbog pojave korona virusa :frowning:

Jednom kad prođe ova pandemija i vratimo se na ono staro normalno, dođite u Varaždin i posjetite ŠPANCIR FEST.

Bit će Vam ugodno i lijepo i uživat ćete!!

:slightly_smiling_face: :croatia:







Što mislite o uličnim festivalima?

Da li Vam se sviđa takva vrsta festivala?

Jeste li posjetili već neki ulični festival?

Gdje? :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

Varaždin je mali grad od svega 40 000 tisuća stanovnika.

A za vrijeme trajanja Špancir festa (10 dana), Varaždin posjeti procjenjuje se i do 200 000 tisuća ljudi. Dolaze turisti iz Mađarske, Italije, Njemačke…

Mi Varaždinci smo ponosni na taj festival jer je to velika turistička manifestacija i atrakcija za naš grad.

Nadam se da će se ove godine održati…

Zaista volim Špancir fest :wink:


Can you imagine?!

I never would imagine that you would like a Street festival.

No, Renata, I don’t attend Street festivals, they are a little rough, you could find drugs and smokes everywhere which I happen to be allergic to. I watch them on television and I love the vibe.

I can’t begin to imagine the income-generating power of this event for the otherwise sleepy town (if 40000 population is anything to go by)


So, do you just enjoy the festival or what do you do while its on?


What a wonderful post. The streets are so colorful with colorful buildings. We have such kinds of festivals mainly during festive periods like Christmas or Easter holidays. We sometimes have special events during August Meeting which is a community development for our women.

I could see a lot of happiness in people present at this event with colorful buildings. How are these buildings so lit?

Thank you for tagging me to this post.

Have a great weekend! @renata1


Ohhh, ne @Ewaade_3A

Stvarno mi je drag taj naš Špancir fest i nikada ga nisam dovodila u kontekst sa drogom…

Iako toga ima svugdje oko nas, pa i tamo gdje se najmanje nadaš.

Nažalost :frowning::frowning:

Ne, nemam nikakvog posla na festivalu.

Samo šetamo gradom, idemo na koncerte koje volimo, kupimo poneku sitnicu i uživamo.

:wink: :croatia:


No, I am saying; “I don’t attend Street festivals in my country because of what goes down there”, I have not being to your Fest, so I don’t know if same thing happens @renata1

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Hvala Vam na komentaru @Austinelewex

Hvala i na pohvali, veseli me što Vam se sviđa ova objava.

Ne znam kako uspijevaju napraviti tako prekrasne svjetlosne efekte.

Stvarno fantastično za vidjeti.

Pozdrav …


@renata1 I like such city parties so much! I try to visit them with my family and participate if it’s possible. Especcially I like them in small towns, but I rarely know about them there in time to visit, or it’s far or so on.

Have you read my post about Minsk city celebration in 2019? This year we also didn’t have celebrations, not only because of covid (we don’t afraid it so much and Victory day parade on May, 9th wasn’t cancelled for example), but mostly because of the fear of protests after elections.

I never thought about drugs in such parties, @Ewaade_3A , though they are there also maybe, as they are everywhere unfortunately, even in schools and so on. But maybe not. Such festivities are under strong control of police here. You can even enter it only through police post.


Yeah, some 60% of these kind of parties are under strict police Guidance, but the Police knows that they are allowed to do such there.

So, generally, I just stay away on health grounds and security grounds dear @OlgaKlimchik

How are you and how are your kids?


@Ewaade_3A We all are ok. We hadn’t quarantine here at all (even wearing masks is obligatory here only from the middle of November and only in shops, schools - for teaches, and in transports). So my son attends his school, we work and life is on.

Some people have very difficult forms of covid and need even to be cured in hospitals , but most often it’s like usual flu or even without any symptoms. I don’t think we have more difficult situation without quarantine than other countries with strict measures, when they lost their jobs and so on. This dicease is surely not worth of world economy crisis and mass hysteria. Hope nobody will eat me without salt for such words. But this is my opinion, which is proved by situation in my country.


Dear @renata1

The ten-day festival is really very enjoyable.Thank you so much for sharing with us an Amazing festival.

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I love you! @OlgaKlimchik I wish we were better acquainted!

If I want to call your name, what part do I say? Olga? or what will you prefer I call you?

Also, do you allow your son follow you when they hold these kind of Street festivals in Belarus?

No one is going to eat you! We are very few people of the 120 million Local Guides that I know, who speak our mind, in the exact way we want to speak it! Every individual is entitled to their opinion, you are entitled to yours!

You are lucky that Belarus never went under lockdown, it just means life goes on as usual for you.

We hope they don’t make us go on another lockdown, here in Nigeria because many people are of this opinion as you.

But, what’s bringing the Mass hysteria and causing the restrictions and all is the “death toll”, do you understand? Many of us love this world, and many more of us don’t want to lose our dear ones. However, the death toll from the Covid-19 keeps increasing by the hour in many countries and regions of the world.

I understand how you feel because there has been no death toll in your country, but even if there is a death toll, we all should follow the Guidelines and remain calm. I believe the economic crisis is caused by the lockdown and of the Government losing their people from around the world. Just as we don’t want to lose the people, we don’t want to lose the money too, and the money-generating power of the people to the COVID-19.

My sister (who is a Doctor) had the Covid-19, and I mean; she had to tell you, for you to know. The Medical personnel are managing it well.

We will pull through.

Please, enjoy. :blush:


@Ewaade_3A Yes, my name is Olga.

We also have a list of died. But it could be awful till now if it was so dangerous as they say. We haven’t zombies in the streets and dead people don’t lay along all roads, the similar as in all other countries, without any self-isolation.

What concerns a list of died, thanks God I haven’t such among my relatives and close people. But I heard about cases of someone’s friends and so on, not many. The most who are ill have usual flu symptoms or haven’t them at all.

But people die not only of covid. My neighbor had died, because she couldn’t get ordinary help because of her diseased kidneys, all doctors are busy with covid, and it’s not a single case unfortunately.

Festivities are not scaring because of drugs here. Look at the photos in the post I shared in previous comment or here. I don’t believe there are more drugs then in everyday life there. Especially if children with parents. If someone wants to find drugs, he will find them everywhere. Hope my son won’t search for drugs. He is almost adult already.


@OlgaKlimchik Hvala Vam na komentaru.

Ne, nisam pročitala vašu objavu o Minsku, mislim da još tada nisam bila na Connectu.

Pogledat ću svakako, jer vaše su objave uvijek zanimljive.

:slightly_smiling_face: :croatia:

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@OlgaKlimchik moje mišljenje je da je Covid19 jednostavno stvar sreće.

Netko ima više sreće, netko manje a, netko ju uopće nema.

Preboljela sam tu bolest taman prije Božića prošle godine i bilo mi je vrlo loše.

Smršavila sam 7 kg, onesvijestila sam se u kadi, imala sam strašne bolove u trbuhu.

Bilo mi je grozno.

Jako gadan osjećaj nekoliko dana…

Eto to je moje iskustvo… :frowning::face_vomiting:

:slightly_smiling_face: :croatia:

Stvarno sam se čuvala, prala ruke, dezinficirala, nosila masku, držala distancu…

Ali jednostavno nisam imala sreće.

Najvjerojatnije sam se zarazila na poslu.

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@renata1 Covid is really just a luck, you said it right. Sad luck, and it doesn’t depend much on such strict measures. Really people are able to take care about themselves too. You shouldn’t be obliged to wear mask if you know that the epidemic exists, it will be your own choice to wear it. And you are not a fool to go to the theatre at this period. You won’t attend mass ivents without need.

I can compare my country Belarus with Ukraine where my sister and other relatives live. We hadn’t quarantine, Ukraine had strict quarantine in spring. Our children studied, people worked, someone was ill, someone not. But in Ukraine their lockdown had finished one day and they started to become ill also. I can’t say something about numbers, but all my relatives there had catched covid. So no need was in lockdown if they had the same result. But they lost more, because many couldn’t work and have their salaries, they couldn’t go to different city and sell vegetables from their kitchen garden and so on.

Covid will influence not only to our health, but to whole world history when we see the whole countries in the rows of bankrupts. And Belarus won’t win because of the absence of quarantine at all. We all depend on each other so much.


@KamalHossenR Hvala Vam na komentaru.

Drago mi je da Vam se sviđa moja objava.

Pozdrav iz Hrvatske u Bangladeš!

:slightly_smiling_face: :croatia:

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What a shame I am only just seeing your reply. May the Almighty protect your son. I am going to check out the photos now @OlgaKlimchik

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Hej Renata @renata1 ja sam ustvari čula i prije o ovom festivalu u Varazdinu i čini mi se da samu novinama čitala da se u 2020oj neće provesti zbog korone. Ali šta je tu je…bolje je da se svi čuvamo dok sve to prođe. Inače znam da je to ustvari muzički festival. Slike su ti odlične :slightly_smiling_face: hvala ti što si me označila!

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@KatyaLyubenova baš sam sretna da već od prije znaš nešto o Špancir festu.

Iskreno se nadam da ćeš opet jednom doći u Varaždin, pa možda i posjetiti festival :pray:

Nema na čemu, tebe ću uvijek označiti.

:slightly_smiling_face: :kissing_heart: :croatia:

Pozdrav Katja…