Trusted Photographer can't access Street View links

I’m a Trusted Photographer, logged in to the appropriate Google account, but cannot get access to Street View links, such as the ones below. Could someone please help me access the Street View Help Center?

From this discussion:

"You should address your query on the new Street View trusted Help Center, accessible to Trusted Photographers only

Should you be not able to access the new Street View trusted Help Center, please let us know, and we will tag a Street View Moderator for granting the access to your profile."


Hello @panoramiceye

Welcome to local guides connect.The appropriate category for your post is “How tos”. That said please edit the post by clicking on the three blue dots at the foot of the page:

  • Select edit message
  • How tos category at the head of the page
  • Save message

The how tos board is where you have questions and solutions. By editing it to the proper category you are keeping connect organized. Thank you.

I will be happy to tag a moderator on your behalf.

@ErmesT please help us on this issue as always and thank you.


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Hi @panoramiceye , what type of device are you using to gain access? It could be something as simple as updating your maps application on IOS, Android, etc. Ensure your apps are up to date. You can also cache your device to remove old stored copies of webpages or maps for a more updated version. If you are able to give the device you are trying to access I may be able to help you. Thanks and Good Luck!

Thanks for the tag, @SholaIB

Hi @panoramiceye , the reason why you are not able to access the new Street View trusted Help Center, accessible to Trusted Photographers only is that you don’t appear to have a Street View Trusted photographer badge.

Can you please share a screenshot of your profile on the Street View App?

It should appear like this, with the Street View badge visible on the bottom right corner of the avatar


@ErmesT is more knowledgeable than I @panoramiceye so follow his league. Good luck and I’m sure he will be able to help you with the matter. :woman_singer:

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Thanks for the reply @ErmesT . Hm, I see what you mean, badge doesn’t show. But I was accepted as GTP, screenshots below of email acceptance and current listing as Trusted Photographer. Please advise.

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