Trip to Puducherry

I will be travelling to Pondicherry in Feb, 2019 with three other friends.
I wanted to know

  1. What’s the best way to reach Pondy from Chennai airport if we want to cover Mahabalipuran on the way?
  2. Or shall we visit Mahabalipuram while returnig from Pondy to Chennai?
  3. I will reach Chennai in the morning around 9 am, do I need to book tickets for bus to Pondy beforehand or can I do that when I reach there? Also, are buses available on short intervals?
  4. Anything else I should be knowing about travelling to Pondy?

Would be really grateful to have some response on this.


Hello @jarpitta ,
Welcome to Connect!

I think @TravellerG might be able to be of assistance here. You can also check his great post about Churches in Pondi India if you need inspiration on places to visit.

Since you are new to the platform I suggest checking the following posts: Tips: Using Local Guides Connect and What makes a good post?. You can also always introduce yourself in our monthly Introduce yourself topic, where you can get to know the other Local Guides.


Hi Dear friend @LilyanaZ ,

Thank you for Tagging me; I am attaching 2 PDF files, which may be useful for planning the trip. Most of all the places are available in Google Maps & hence easy to locate.

Also, dear LG @jarpitta , I suggest you get the realtime travel data from our Tamil Nadu Local Guides Group. I request you to kindly contact our senior LG @JohnPeter & LG @Saravanakanth ; they will be very helpful to you, for sure [I too shall inform them].

Let us know, how better can we be of help to you?

Hi dear @Andrew_C , could you have a look at these LISTs & guide me, please?

  1. Pondi Abstarct Here
  2. M.BaliPuram Here

Thanks dear all


Thank you so much for being so helpful @TravellerG . This is what makes Connect such a great place - willing to assist others in their explorations through your knowledge and experience. :slight_smile:


Hi @jarpitta , @LilyanaZ , @

Thanks @TravellerG for suggesting me. I am happy to respond @jarpitta with answers.

My answers to your queries are as under.

  1. There are two options to reach Pondy from Chennai. You can hire a cab or travel in Bus. Mahabalipuram is on the way to Pondy.

  2. As you are reaching Chennai 9 am, I suggest you to visit Mahabalipuram first and then you can reach Pondy.

  3. Buses are available every 30 minutes interval.

4.Nothing specific.

How long you will be staying in Pondy?

If you need more info, WhatsApp me in [REDACTED PHONE], happy to assist you.



Hello @Saravanakanth ,

Thank you for your helpful input and your willingness to assist, but I redacted your personal number from the post. We do not encourage Local Guides to share private information publicly on Connect in order to protect yours and other users’ privacy and safety.

If you wish to get in touch with other Local Guides, there is a private messaging system in place instead.


I humbly accept your kind words, God bless you @LilyanaZ .

Dear friend, @sonnyNg , could you spare few minutes to have a look at these attachments? there are many of them - but…

We will try our best to help the needy…



Thanks, dear family friend @Saravanakanth for your generous post…

Humbly yours


Welcome @LilyanaZ .

Noted your comments.

Thanks for dedacted my number.

Thanks and regards.


Hi dear @jarpitta , welcome to Pondi. We assure you that there are host of local guides are there to assist you all through your journey.

  1. There are so many historic and entertaining places to see on the way to Pondi and Mahabalipuram from Chennai. So if you come for exploring places best you can stay one or two days in Chennai or near OMR OR Mahabalipuram.

  2. If you are tired, you can visit while returning but make sure you reach before sunset and spare enough time for visiting nearby places.

  3. There are plenty of buses are there both private and government. If you book cab is easy and flexible to visit many places, apps like OLA, UBER are good for best deal and you can escape from bargaining:)

However, from airport metro train to CMBT ( KOYAMBADU BUS STATION) are available. You can reach inside the bus station itself. From there you can go to Pondi platform, many buses will be there. Or private bus station you may need to take auto or taxi.

  1. If you have any meeting or plan you can spend all your days there in Pondi. But if you are a traveler take a break journey because most popular places are around Pondi.

Regarding places to visit in Pondi and Mahablipuram @TravellerG has written a very informative articles please refer.

All the best, safe journey.

Thanks to @TravellerG , @LilyanaZ , @Saravanakanth


Nice piece of info Bro @JohnPeter .

Appreciated, as always.

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Hi @jarpitta,

We hope you may find the most suitable journey to your liking. : ]

Also, much appreciated for mentioning me, @TravellerG.

Wow, such a detailed material I have stumbled upon! I think it would be also great, if partly of locations would be formed as a list, as I believe it would be an extra handy helper for Jarpitta and anyone who may travel.

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Hey @jarpitta apart from the wonderful tips already shared here, also checkout some past posts in the old travel and advice section here on Pondicherry. Driving in a car from Chennai definitely had its advantages as we could make stops along the ECR for the crocodile park(1-2hrs), Mahabalipuram (half day) and head towards Pondicherry. A typical drive from Chennai airport to Pondicherry would take around 3 hrs without lunch break.



Dear family friend @JohnPeter , thank you for your detailed response - highly appreciate,

With regards

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Thank you very much for your helpful contribution @JohnPeter !

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Very good suggestion, dear @Prodeep


Thank you so much for your response. It did great help. My trip was awesome, will be sharing the photos here soon.