Trip to kolkata

Preparing for a trip to kolkata, india. Actually im going there for wedding shoppin. Can anyone suggest me where i can enjoy my shopping at a reasonable price.


Hi @RehanRaja Maps itself can help with this query by showing you recommendations from thousands of Local Guides. Simple open Maps and type in “wedding shops in Kolkata” and hit enter - or you can use this link,+West+Bengal,+India/@22.5781547,88.3348403,13z/data=!3m1!4b1

Then you will see loads of places, each with their rating, you can drill down into those that look interesting to you and then check out the reviews, photos and videos from Local Guides who put the information there to help you.

Regards Paul



Plus to the suggestion of @PaulPavlinovich , one important matter is that you have to bargain, likewise we do in Bangladesh, to do the shopping at a reasonable price. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for help