
Witam.Czy był ktoś ostatnio w Słowenii na triglav?chodzi mi o warunki pogodowe i gdzie można zatrzymać się na nocleg w pobliżu .pozdrawiam

Hi @Tasior36 ,

Welcome to Local Guides Connect!

Excuse my reply in English. Since you’re new to the community, you might want to share a bit more about yourself and get to know others in our monthly Introduce Yourself topic. You can also read these Tips: Using Local Guides Connect.

Luckily here in the community we have really friendly Local Guides from Slovenia and I hope they will be able to share with you more information about staying at Triglav - @JanFlorjancic , @MiroKranjc , @tadejpersic .

@user_not_found from Italy is also looking for the same information on Connect, I’ll tag him, so he can follow the discussion.

Thank you all and have fun!