Trek to Double decker living root bridge

The double decker living root bridge is a very popular tourist destination in Cherrapunjee (Shora), which is located in the Meghalya, India. Meghalaya is a place where the constant rain throughout the year has created wonders in its unique forms. Forests, mountains, and rivers have taken such a shape and scope that one really feels the massiveness of nature.

Single Living root bridge:-

Double decker living root bridge:-

Total distance upto Double decker is 3.5km.You have to climb down 4200 steps to that double decker bridge, it take around 2 hours upto double decker.

I think the angle of those stairs was almost 60 degree. Trek was very easily but these 4500 steps make it deficult.


awesome place @ArjunNegi_Uk_India


@ArjunNegi_Uk_India Amazing place. I wish to visit it someday. Thank you for sharing this post with us.


Added to my wish list. Thanks for sharing @ArjunNegi_Uk_India .


@Ant_Bad_Yogi @Vwolverine it’s my pleasure… must visit… i hope u feel thankful your self after visiting this place.


Hey @ArjunNegi_Uk_India ,

Thanks for sharing your photos. It looks like you spent some quality time in the outdoors. How many hours did you spend in the area? Did you actually count the steps to the top? I really enjoyed the photo of the double decker bridge as this is the first time that I see and hear about such place.


@MoniDi first of all thanks for ur opinion.

1.How many hours did you spend in the area?

:- I had spent almost full day here. I spent lot of at riverside.

2.Did you actually count the steps to the top?

:- Yes! Definately. There are many misconceptions about no of steps. As per my step counting the total steps was 4275. So take approx value:- 4500 steps one-sided.

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