Mercedes BA es una ciudad de campo que permite estar fuera de ella con poca contaminacíon luminica, se presta a fotografiar sus cielos y acompaña la tranquilidad del silencio del campo.a quien le guste este tipo de actividad, es recomendable
Tienes razon @Danielzunino porque en esa fotografia se ve como las estrellas hacen honor a tu comentario.
El Cordial saludo, gracias por tu comentario, ahi subi otras, tengo videos de traza de estrellas en youtube pero como soy nuevo te pregunto si los puedo subir, estan en mi canal con mi nombre, esta permitido…?
disculpas pero no quiero infringir nada.
Gracias espero tu respusta para saber si puedo subir videos, gracias por tu comentario y un abrazo fotográfico.
Hello, fellow LG @Danielzunino ,
Amazing shots!
Sincerely appreciate your Photographic TALENTS!
Which cameras do you use?
I use the Sony series of Pro & other Cameras.
You asked:
“…. I have star trace videos on YouTube but since I’m new I ask if I can upload them, they are on my channel with my name, is it allowed…?..”
If the videos are a part of your post, there is nothing wrong - rather, any of your own contributions are welcome.
Kindly do not use this platform for any self-promotion or with the intention of business - hope this is clear.
Your YouTube channel with your name is perfectly alright if it is not a commercial one.
Best wishes for more contributions.
Important TIP: Simply by typing the symbol @ before the User Name of an LG (as I have done above, to you), you can send a notification to the other member. Ex: if you need to TAG me, then type ‘@’ followed by ‘TravellerG’ - then I will get a notification - for more details, click ‘Here’.
Warm regards
Hello, LG @Danielzunino
I am tagging my friends here because I am sure they will be very much excited to view your beautiful photos.
@OliverKIWI @Rohan10 @Mikeinthefalls @indahnuria
Hope you all will enjoy this…
@TravellerG @Danielzunino Amazing shots! I wish I could do this!
Once again fully appreciating our LG @Danielzunino 's talents and wishing all success to him…
Though, I’m not a fan of sky… I assure you that with a little effort, you will surely do this - I assure you that…, dear @OliverKIWI .
Now we have many friends who can help…
Most sincerely…
@ travellerG El cordial saludo, inserte 1 videos, si esta mal lo corrijo, estoy muy contento de pertenecer a este sitio, cualquier comentario sobre mis errores los modificare en el acto, un abrazo cordial desde Mercedes BA Argentina.
Thank you for tagging me @TravellerG and I do love to see the star trail photos. I know exactly it’s not that easy to get one :). Bravo @Danielzunino and thanks for sharing it with us
Sorry for being a bit late to respond back to you, LG friend @Danielzunino
Excellent… The video is amazing… That video is the result of how many hours of recording? Is it time lapse or speed editing?
Hope to see more from you soon…
PS :
Sorry to inform you that your tagging was not applied:
Once the tagging is applied, the ‘@TravellerG’ will appear in blue colour.
After typing ‘@’, type each alphabet, ONE BY ONE, very SLOWLY - while typing the username, you can see the OPTIONS of the Username, dropping down - type slowly and at the end when the required username is displayed, select it FROM THE DROP DOWN MENU.
Hope you got me.
Request you to kindly tag me in your future posts.
Hello dear friend @indahnuria ,
Hope your vaccination is completed with a lot of memories and tons of photos… Right?
“… I do love to see the star trail photos…”
That is why I tagged you.
“…I know exactly it’s not that easy to get one…”
Of course, you need Gadget, Accessories, Location (pollution free - dust and light pollutions) Time, Technology and after all, A LOT OF PATIENTS…
What is your opinion, dear LG friend @Danielzunino .
Best wishes to you both…