Camels Back or Deopatta located in Nainitalat an elevation of 2,422m above mean sea level. True to its name, Camel’s Back is suggested because it’s shape looks like a camel’s back. This picnic spot offers great horse-riding and nature walking opportunities. Sunset views of the Himalayas & Tarai Region from here are also excellent. A superb rock formation, with a life-like resemblance to a sitting camel, can be seen from this spot. While visiting here do not forget to bring your own picnic basket because there are no eateries here.
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I’d suggest to share your true and genuine experience of a place - or simply why your wish to go there - as this will help others to understand why to visit the location you like so much :).
Great picture indeed! May I suggest to give credit for the content in the post, though? It looks like you have taken it from an online source. Many thanks!
Thank You for the reply and appreciating the picture, Great to know that you find my site on google, I am the owner of that site.
Please check footer of site, (Designed & Maintained : Javs Ali & Swalay Ali) or Whois lookup for [REDACTED], Hope you will convinced now that its clicked by me
i am a responsible local guide i always upload pictures clicked by me. If still any issues then please confirm i will take it down, Many Thanks.
I am thoroughly convinced now that this is your words and thanks a lot for clarifying and confirming with me. You are welcome here but I need also to remind you also that Connect is not a platform for commercial advertising or self-promotion of any kind. Please review our Local Guides Program Rules before posting.
Thank you so much, That’s why i didn’t mention my website or social accounts name on first post, Only because you mention the URL of my website i clear the confusion.
I will take your words as a good suggestion and mention my name as a credit from next time. Appreciate your work for guiding us.