
The dream of every person I came across with, wants to know new places, new people, new habits and new cultures and my dream is to be able to transform all this into information that connects to the whole. Analyzing new ways to show what the world and its culture have the best showing the best restaurants, the best park, what is the best place to eat that dinner at the end of the night, the best summer trips and the best ballads to enjoy a weekend more everything to make your choice is easier and better. My dream is to know the world and its variety of religions, food, habits, and to show everyone this incredible world that exists around you and sometimes you do not even know for lack of recommendation and a good evaluation. I want to bring the best to each user who seeks a good place, cozy, comfortable, and quality to visit and enjoy every moment.

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My journey to Lagos bus terminus Oshodi Lagos state Nigeria

My journey on Lagos bus terminus Lagos Nigeria

Still on the highway