Have you ever been to a new city and thought about how people actually live there? Yeah, we all get a glimpse of their culture as tourists, but do we really see the hidden gems of the city? This are places only local people know about, and if you don’t trust me, ask yourself “what do people visit when they come in your city?” I’ll tell you, they see popular places, UNESCO heritage, parks and museum, famous restaurants… they never see that small local market with the best vegetables, they don’t visit the pub your grandparents use to go and is considered the oldest in the town, they don’t know about that secret place that stays open after the closing hours sometimes. And while you may say “but they only have a week and they want to see this or that…” you should know that this is not everyone’s desire. Many people I’ve shown around my city were happier to see some local spots that I take for granted than all those Big names signed on their tourist map. So let’s try adding this places a bit more! Let’s try describing them better! They are important! One day someone will enjoy for the first and maybe last time that little bar under your house where you take your morning coffee every day. Think about it. ?
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