I’m proud to be a local guide to Google, my dream is to be able to see the seven wonders of the world and share it with others.
I visited only one at the moment the Taj Mahal, I would like to train my followers to the other six that are The Great Wall of China, Petra, in Jordan, The Statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, The Machu Picchu, The archaeological site of Chichen Itza in Mexico, The Colosseum of Rome.
I love the story of humanity, I like to travel the world and see the best things done by the human being and share them.
My quest is good to even the seven wonders and share.
That’s relly beautiful place in the world. So India has a lot places so great to visit. Congratulations…
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Yo quiero ir a Sudáfrica, ,me encantaría, quedarme al menos un mes.
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Awesome, have a safe trip and i wish you good luck…
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