Hello ! @DeniGu ; @Giu_DiB
Vă rog , este posibil ca pe pagina “google.ro/ maps” / ( vezi captura ) sa apara tradus cuvantul “feedback” cu sinonimul existent din limba romană ( vezi captura) “părere” ? … dacă tot ați tradus primul cuvânt “Trimiteți” ?
Eu consider a fi corectă DOAR UNA din urmatoarele situații : Ori scrieți : “Send feedback” ori "Trimiteți o părere (singular) / păreri ( plural) " !!
Multumesc pentru întelegere !!
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@2be4all Cel mai bun mod de a aborda acest lucru este să trimiteți feedback cu o captură de ecran în cadrul aplicației Maps.
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Hello @2be4all ,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts here with us. Since your post wasn’t related to the article you commented, I relocated it in the How-tos section of the forum, added the Romanian language tag and gave it an explanatory title.
About your question, you can read here how to help improve translation quality in Google Translate, Maps, and any other Google app with translated content.
You can also contact the Crowdsource community in order to get in touch with other members interested in the same topic and get support from experts.
Lastly, I wanted to let you know that I am marking my answer as solution so it can be beneficial for other members with the same question. You can read more about solutions in the following post: How do I mark comments as solutions?