Train travels

Hello friends. I’m sure we all love to travel. In general, I don’t like to use private vehicles on long trips. I like to use planes, train and ferries instead. So which of these do I like the most? train.yes, it will be interesting to some of you. I seem to hear the question of why not a plane.

But I guess the answer to this question is purely pleasure. Train travel always makes me very happy. Watching out the window while sipping my coffee is a great feeling. Normally, the plane is the fastest and most comfortable transportation, but if I prefer train, I always choose the train.

I think the location of my country has a very important place in this. Traveling has become much more enjoyable with the increasing speed trains recently. I wanted to share with you a turkey travel blog that I took myself.

I set off from the capital city of Ankara. The train station here has just been built and has incredibly easy access. There are many shops and a hotel in the train station where you can stay.

After staying at the hotel for one night, I immediately went down to the train station. this is very comfortable.

My current goal is a european tour by train this summer. A train from istanbul first to Sofia and then my imagination… Yes, I hope in summer I will contact many of my local guide friends in Europe and you are close to the train station. We will drink our coffee together and talk about local guides. I will organize the train local guides meeting.

My friends in Europe will be ready to pick me up from a station in the summer☺️

And what type of transportation do you like?



wow what is the speed limit that train ?


Same here @Gezendunyali I too prefer train than plane wherever possible. I like to travel by train for long hours rather than sometime hectic long hours security checks and short hours journey. It is beneficial for environment too. Your photos are great. I have never visited other countries. But it’s very exciting for me to have experience to travel by other countries train system. In India my favourite train is Mumbai Delhi Rajdhani Express. It’s best train in India for this route. Thanks for sharing this topic.


I remember it was 220 km :smiling_face: @Teacherandmom

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Hi @Rohan10 thank you for comment and great to agree☺️. actually everyone with a traveling spirit would prefer the train. My youtuber friend of mine is in india right now. he went to amristara on a sleeper train. people were very friendly and smiling. seemed a bit crowded but I would definitely like to try train travel in india.


@Gezendunyali please you are most welcome :grinning: .


Hello @Gezendunyali

I travel around West Africa so much and travelling is part of life for me as a missionary. I have gone around about 10 countries in West Africa. I travel quite frequently too. Most travels are by commercial transport companies not private.

I love travelling by road,especially on some of these big luxurious buses. It’s often very comfortable,fully air conditioning of course. Sometimes nice slow soft good meaningful music playing in the background.

Now I’ll also like to mention that in these countries of ours,Travelling by train is not an option because we haven’t that mode of travel in most or all these countries.

Travelling by road is a good option and the cheapest but again we haven’t very good roads. You have to also think about the insecurity issues that looms in most West African countries. Nevertheless that option we use alot and I do as well.

Lastly by air. It’s quite expensive and could be delayed and also have other unforseen complications. I like your post and thank you for sharing the post with us.

N.B I used the term travelling and what I mean is inter country and interstate travels rather than just within a city or town.



@Gezendunyali guaaaa que genial post :+1: .

Si es por llegar rápido uso el vion pero para disfrute no se compara con nada el tren, ahora que lo pienso todos los dias lo uso para ir a trabajar.

Saludos maxi :argentina:


You welcome @Rohan10 :smiling_face: :pray:t2:

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hello @SholaIB , you wrote a great answer. In general, the transportation option changes according to the conditions of the country. But I would definitely like to try it in Africa. The roads and train lines in my country are quite new and developing. But the trains I like the most are in Japan. I hope I can make my dream European train trip​:smiling_face: :pray:t2:

Thank you so much :smiling_face: :pray:t2: @Maximilianozalazar

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You are most welcome @Gezendunyali

My policy on connect is if you can write a good quality and inspiring post on Connect do it. That’s what the commiunity needs to keep alive and bubbling for participation.

If you can’t write a post,support those who write by reading and responding very extensively. I have been very busy lately with my mission work. I haven’t been able to write a post for a good while on connect but I’m trying to read and respond to some nice post.

Well-done again my fellow guiding star and inspiring local guide. If you ever get into West Africa,please let us know. A big hug and a warm friendly welcome awaits you. We will take you through the different modes of very interesting transport options and routes here in West Africa.


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Thank you for the nice words, we hope to see you among us more. @SholaIB :smiling_face: :facepunch:t2:

Thank you for all likes :pray:t2:

Definitely agree with you about train @Gezendunyali ! I put Turkey as my travel whishlist. Do you any recommendations for traveling to Turkey for the first time? Is it easy for beginner travelers understand the direction if we don’t speak Turkish?

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Hi @NunungAfuah Thank you for your nice comment. I’m glad you added it to your list. If you are going to visit, I would like you to contact me first. Turkey is a complete tourism country. Therefore, there are many points where you can get help while visiting all cities.:smiling_face: :+1:t2:

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Recientemente como fuiste viendo @Gezendunyali ,estuve de viaje por la hermosa Italia :it: , y la forma casi exclusiva de desplazamiento entre ciudades fue en Tren :bullettrain_front: , de todas maneras la distancia mas larga que realice en Italia es de no mas de 725 km, en el recorrido de Napoles a Venecia.

Me gustaría mucho poder participar en tu encuentro europeo de Local Guides, pero supongo que no coincidirá con mis posibles fechas de viaje a Europa, el año entrante estaré por España en Enero 2024.

Por otro lado te comento que Turquía es un lugar que lo tengo apuntado en mis sitios para visitar. No se cuando todavía, pero seguro ocurría en algún momento :grinning: .

Un gran saludo desde la Tierra del Fuego :fire_engine: en Argentina :argentina:


Hey @FaridTDF it looks great on the train. I think the train journey has become our favourite. Let’s get in touch before we come to Turkey. Maybe we’ll make a nice travel plan together. Lots of love to the beautiful country Argentina. When you come to Turkey, make sure you will get very nice reactions because Turkish people have a lot of sympathy for Argentina. there is.:smiling_face: :+1:t2:


Es verdad lo que tu dices @Gezendunyali , varios argentinos que conozco y algunos parientes que viajaron a Turquía de vacaciones, al regreso contaron maravillas de tu país, la comida, los paisajes y la amabilidad de tu gente al solicitar ayuda por algún motivo.

cuando este por viajar por allí, serás el primer Local Guides al que contactaré para poder tener alguna reunion, sería muy feliz en poder concretarlo :grinning:

Saludos Farid, ahora desde la Tierra del Fuego, Argentina.


It’s nice to hear these words. We will definitely be in touch. See you soon, I hope. @FaridTDF :smiling_face: :facepunch:t2: