Train is a friendly transportation mode for people with disabilities.

Train network in Jakarta that interconnect trasportation around Bogor, Bekasi, Depok, Tangerng, Cikarang called Commuter Line network.

Hundred trips is schedulled around this cities and able to move more than a million passengers per day.

This network is connecting hospital, university, market and many places to go.

The price is affordable and count base on distance.

Passenger with disabilities are comfort to use this transportation modebecause they have some facilities that make them easy to travel.

Wheel chair.

Elevated way for wheelchair to Train platform.

Special bench to sit while waiting the train. Has big signage.

Every commuter station have several chairs or bench that can be used to travel from enterance to the platform, the staff on duty will happily to help.

Yellow Tactile Paving/Tile.

Yellow Tactile Paving /Tile is escorting people with vision disabilities from enterance , vending machine to by ticket or ticket booth with staff in charge to give ticketing service to somebody need a change, tapping machin and go along the way to train platform.

Stretcher :

Every Commuter station prepare stretcher in case emergency situation.

Security on duty is can be seen everywhere and as long as my experience they will come and handy to help passenger who need help.

Unfortunately this comfortable transportation mode will be shut down due to Pembatasan Sosial Berskala besar (PSBB - Large scale Social Restriction).

Hope soon will be back as usual.


Pak @BudiFXW

Semoga di daerah kesadaran tentang disabilitas berkembang ya tidak hanya kota besar seperti jakarta


A hundred percent agree with you @Nyainurjanah .

Now, Tactile paving is not in the area of train station, some pedestrian in Jakarta are equipped with this.

Hope this facilities will be spread all over Indonesia and people with disabilities can travelling by them self confidently.

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Di daerah saya belum ad tempat yang mendukung disability @BudiFXW


Ajak teman teman @Munawar951 . Mulai dari yang paling sederhana.

Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy

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Orang2 di kota kecil susah kita ajak kerja sama @BudiFXW

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Jangan ragu @Munawar951 .

You are a future leader. No worry. start from a small things

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It’s so good to know that the commuter line in Jabodetabek and Cikarang is accessibility friendly, Pak @BudiFXW

Thanks for sharing this nice post, so that our fellow Local Guides will know and realize this great fact.

Are you working in Jakarta?

There’s a fun fact about me. I’ve ridden commuter line only once 6 years ago from Jakarta to University of Indonesia :smile:

It was a good experience!

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Yes @Velvel .

Commuter line network ifes continuosly improve their services to make passengers convenient and safe.

Several commuter line station now build underpass to reduce risk while crossing the railway.

Yes I do working in Jakarta and live in Bogor so almost every working days I do commute.

Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy.

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Hahahhaha… Yes pak @BudiFXW