If you want to get acquainted with those who lived on the Don River (Russia) many years ago you should visit the most significant modern museum of the Rostov region, where the rare paleontological and archaeological finds are presented.
Museum expositions are interactive, it allows you not only to see, but also to try a lot of things. And all you need is 3 days in Rostov region.
First of all we go to Azov. Azov Museum - one of the largest museums in the south of Russia. More 350 thousand exhibits, the earliest of which about 250 million years. Paleontology, archeology, history, nature, art - history of mankind in a particular town. Not many museums in the world can be proud of such exhibits in Azov - skeletons dinothere (inhabiting the Azov 8 million years ago.). Two trogonterievyh mammoths (geological age of 700-800 million years old), Caucasian elasmotherium (1.3-1.4 million . years old).
The exhibition presents interesting findings: trogonterievy beaver, elephant Gromov, the horned antelope, Liventsovsky horse, giraffe Azov. Science, they have become known thanks to the fact that for the first time their bones were found in the Don land. Azov Museum-Reserve is famous in Russia and abroad as a center for archaeological research. A huge archaeological collection represents the culture of many peoples who inhabited the Don region at different times. In the exhibition space “peacefully coexist” Greek amphorae and boilers Scythian, Sarmatian shells and bracelets Normans, uniforms Khazar warrior and Polovtsian stone sculptures.
Then we go to wall and a stone gate from the 14th century.
The ramparts were built by the Turks in the XVI - XVII centuries, and then converted by the Russians in the XVIII century according to the design of a military engineer Laval. Eleven gates were made through the ramparts; only Alekseevskie Gate with a vaulted tunnel made of stone and brick was well preserved.
An near the heart of the fortress of Azov in the former bastion of St. Anne is the only surviving monument of the South Russian military engineering art of the XVIII century - Powder cellar. Eyes for the first time visitor it was introduced in 1967 - the year of the 900th anniversary since the foundation of the ancient Azov, and became the first museum of the city. It introduces visitors to the momentous events of national history XVII-XVIII centuries. Exhibitions, expositions, fund collections always look into a powder keg particularly reliably. Authentic artifacts and historical reconstructions are impressive role of Azov in Russia’s military history.
The 2-nd day - Tanais.
Tanais was an ancient Greek city in the Don river delta. Greek traders seem to have been meeting nomads in the district as early as the 7th century BC without a formal, permanent settlement. Greek colonies had two kinds of origins, apoikiai of citizens from the mother city-state, and emporia, which were strictly trading stations. Founded late in the 3rd century BC, by merchant adventurers from Miletus, Tanais quickly developed into an emporium at the farthest northeastern extension of the Hellenic cultural sphere. It was a natural post, first for the trade of the steppes reaching away eastwards in an unbroken grass sea to the Altai, the Scythian Holy Land, second for the trade of the Black Sea, ringed with Greek-dominated ports and entrepots, and third for trade from the impenetrable north, with furs and slaves brought down the Don.
Now one tenth of the ancient city has been excavated by excavations, as well as a significant area of ​​the city’s necropolis. Formed unique reference stock collections and a unique exhibition “under the open sky”, which is the majority of the studied sites of the settlement. This exhibition also includes large-scale reconstruction of ancient buildings on the museum estate and Lapidary - a collection of massive, voluminous finds, mainly of stone.
And the 3-rd day we visit “The lost world”.
It is in 100 kilometers from Rostov –on-Don - this is “The Lost World”. Archaeologists, teachers from Southern Federal university, created open-air interactive museum. They built Stone Age huts, Bronze Age forges, and Cossacks houses like in 18th century. Everyone can come there, and sew clothes from animal skins, make bows and arrows, turn the potter’s wheel. It is wonderful place, where people can touch history from ancient times to the present days.
All of this are wonderful places, where people can touch history from ancient times to the present days